Connector specific

SCMagento::Format Grouped Article

The plugin "SCMagento::Format Grouped Article" will synchronize grouped products and the necessary attributes to Magento. In order to do that the sku as well as the amount of the specific product contained within the grouped product must be synchronized.
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SCMagento::Multistore Websites Finder

This plugin will add _product_websites from a custom simple selection field. This is needed if Magento Multi stores will be used, since then plugin also take care of other CS Channel trees and there product website settings.
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SCMagento::Stock from SC Stock table

This plugin "SCMagento::Stock from SC Stock table" will send the stock amount of a specific StoreView (configured in the data map) to Magento. Also, the is_in_stock parameter will be set to 1 (="yes") if the amount is greater than zero and set to 0 ("no") if the amount is zero.
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