Use Cases

Input Types

(Since version 1.18.0) Navigate to the ‘Context – Input Type’ section and create a new type. Set a name, a description, and select a type. After selecting the type, you can configure your selection according to your preferences. For example, you can choose which options should be available in the selection. You can use the […]

Use Cases

Job Parameters

(Added in version 1.18.0) You can create job parameters in the properties of your job. If you select ‘Fixed value (Default value)’ the parameter will always have the fixed default value. If you want to adjust the value, you need to create a new ‘Input Type‘   Using Job Parameters Now you can add the […]

Use Cases

Basic Placeholders

This is a list of basic placeholders that are available. You can also create your own placeholders. All of them are accessable with the same syntax: {variable:nameOfTheVariable} How to create the placeholder How to use the placeholder {JOB:XXX} Job file name, job related tasks, format plugins {USER:XXX} Job file name, job related tasks, format plugins […]