Owl Cloud Services
Base Connector
- Beginner's Guide
- SAWSConnector settings
- Overview
- Station configuration
- Datamaps
- Importing templates
- Setting conditions
- Job related tasks
- Job filter function
- How to create backups
- Running and Monitoring Jobs
- Start jobs automatically
- Import/Export & copy of data map rows
- Synchronizing references that are not contained in views
- Get the preconfigured "Source data set - Template"
- Configuring categories and products
- Fill Bundle and Variant tables from children
- Create View tree automatically
- Configuring the price & stock modules
- Configuring the price/stock value ranges
- Configuring volume discounts/scale prices
- How to export prices
- How to export stock values from certain storage units
- Use of Contentserv Credentials
- Connector & Station User Limitation
- Show all articles ( 10 ) Collapse Articles
- Working with placeholder in conditions
- Improve usability of SC::Tables
- Placeholder for SC::Price, SC::Channel, SC::Stock
- REST Service API for SAWS Tables (Prices, Stock, Channels & Complex Articles)
- Dataflow import of SC::Tables
- Dataflow export of SC::Tables
- The datamap summary - Creating an automated documentation
- Export images as a ZIP file
- Image export with direct access to the CONTENTSERV platform
- Image export with no access to the CONTENTSERV platform
- Image export from a third party system
- How to configure CS Dashboard
- Setup a transformation list for CSTypes
- Transfer final result files to remote server by using FTP, sFTP, WebDAV or Azure Blob Storage
- Export Smart Document via Active Script and assign output to product
- Format Macros
- Controlling Connector Jobs via the REST API
- Sales Channel Maintenance via Excel Cross-Reference
- Show all articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop value for simple data record
GenericJSON / DynamicJSON Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
GenericXML Connector
- All Tutorials for creating XMLs
- SAWSConnector settings
- Station configuration
- Example station configuration
- Source data set configuration
- Example source data set mappings for the XML export
- Job configuration
- Simple XML Tags
- Images
- References
- SC::Prices
- SC::Stock
- SC::Channel
- Specials
- BMECat 1.2 Template
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
SimpleExcel Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Magento Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Shopware 5 Connector
- Configuration Shopware
- Configuration PIM
- Shopware attribute setting
- Configuration SAWSConnector
- Station configuration
- Source data set configuration
- Configuring categories and products
- Price table configuration for Shopware
- Result in Shopware
- Subshops and the SAWSConnector Shopware
- ean
- Custom Fields (attribute)
- highlight
- purchaseSteps
- stockMin
- supplierNumber
- notification
- shippingFree
- length
- height
- width
- weight
- shippingTime
- metaKeywords
- Show all articles ( 9 ) Collapse Articles
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Shopware 6 Connector
- Tutorial Video
- First steps
- Import Shopware settings
- Export categories
- Export media files
- Export simple products
- Export multiple languages
- Export variant products
- Export product properties
- Export custom fields
- Export product cross-selling relationships
- Export prices
- Export stocks
- Export into any other Shopware field
- How to address multiple Shopware 6 websites
- How to address different Shopware 6 Sale-Channels from one Contentserv System
- Useful Links
- Sales Channel Maintenance via Excel Cross-Reference
- Show all articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
OXID Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Typo3 Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Other Connectors
Version 1.16
SVN paths for this version:
Base connector (always required):
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.0)
[Job Pilot] Added a new component, in which jobs can be started and analyzed
[Log] Re-designed the log icons
[Price Placeholder] Added the possibility to filter for Sales Channels
[Right-Click Job Export] Improved design and added tooltips to buttons
[Smart Document Creation ActiveScript] Added new ActiveScript
[Version Display] Added check for available stability updates
Added a new point in the navigator for the SAWSConnector Trainings
Added new usage table plugins, which display the usage of Complex Articles or Linked Sales Channels in a detailed table
Added the station backup buttons in the wizard
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.16.0)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.0)
[Product-to-Category Relation] Made it possible to link products to categories via the “saws_externalkey”
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.0)
[Custom Fields] Added the Custom Fields Format Plugin to be able to fully automate custom fields, including the creation
[Property Automization] Added Job Action to be able to automate the Property Creation
[Property Synchronization] Added property translation mode to be able to translate all existing properties
[Shopware Manufacturer] Added new configurations to be able to automate the creation of manufacturers
[Shopware Properties] United the variant building properties and the normal product properties to one
Implemented support for new variant display options
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.0)
[Datamap Design] Removed left editor cell for all connectors
[Datamap Editor] Added memory limit and data usage option in the wizard
[Datamap] Doubled the speed of opening the datamap
[Flex Table Format Plugin] Fixed language dependent export
[Format Plugin Editor] Fixed display of wiki entry
[Housekeeping] Fixed too early cleanup of cache files
[Image Crop Attribute] Fixed compatibility with PHP8
[Job Center] Fixed the job filter in case of special characters
[Jobs in OpenSearch] Fixed a fatal error caused by the SAWS features in the OpenSearch
[Log Entries] Fixed an error where the log entries could not be cleared by pressing the button in the station list
[Mapping Status] Fixed an error where unsaved Format Plugins were not filtered out
[Minor Bugs] Fixed several minor issues throughout all connectors
[PHP Compatibility] Fixed compatibility with PHP 7.3 and older
[Product Links] Fixed product links in Contentserv when the connector is installed
[Right-Click Job Export] Improved log dialog size and design
[Sales Channel Reader] Removed the workflow filter editor fields when exporting products
[Sales Channels] Fixed a rare database error in the export
[SAWS Table Search] Fixed a database error when searching date time columns
[SAWSConnector Dashboard App] Fixed a crash
[Station Values] Fixed loss of source value if a value is renamed
[Tables] Suche mit komma-separierter SKU-Liste
[Todos] Todo-Erstellung für einen Job deaktivieren können
[Usages] Fixed the php8 compatibility of the connector usages dialog
[Valuereader] LinkedIDs von Klassen enthält nur die direkt gesetzten, nicht aber die vereerbten Attribute
[Wizard Links] Fixed a crash where the wizard link cannot be found
[Wizard UX] Changed job onclick in the navigator to the pre-filtered job center
[Wizard UX] Übersichtsframe-Button
[Wizard] Added a explicit save button for every step
[Wizard] Fixed many minor bugs and compatibility issues
[Wizard] Fixed many minor bugs and compatibility issues
Anpassung UserContext OWL Api für QM Test
Dokumentationsfeld für Jobs
Fehler bei Job-bezogener Aufgabe “Eine Email verschicken”
Lokale Backups werden nicht mehr beim Einspielen angezeigt
Opensearch Button funktioniert nicht mehr
Optimierung Job starten Layout
Recently Used in Schleifenauswahl Plugin
Wizard darf nicht von OWL abhängig sein
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.16.0)
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.16.0)
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.16.0)
[Transmitter] Added a log entry if the target file could not be created
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.0)
Deadlock found abfangen
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.16.0)
Cannot access offset of type string on string
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.0)
[Automated Property Translation] Added translation of existing properties and setting in the station to control it
[Languages] Fixed the language filter in the job to always select the default language as well
[Media Request] Made the limit changeable in the options
[Nodemap Condition] Improved editor field descriptions
[Property Creation] Fixed an out of memory error when the selected product tree was too huge
[Shopware 5][Category Translation] Fixed category translation for more than two languages
[Shopware 6 Log] Fixed unreadable database responses from Shopware
[Shopware Communication] Resend Logik für den Shopware 6 Connector
[Shopware Login] Improved shown details in case of connection errors with Shopware
[Shopware Measure Fields] Implemented automatic float cast for the specification fields
Fixed a crash when using the new product nodemap condition
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.16.0)
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.23)
Highlight-Anzeige der Jobpilotsuche zerstört die Formatierung
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.18)
[AMQP] Wenn kein Job (z.B. Abgebrochen), dann nicht NULL zurückgeben, sondern Exception werfen
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.17)
Job Pilot Jobs werden vom Job Bedingungsplugin nicht erkannt
Jobs können auf dem SAAS nicht fortgeführt werden
Preis ist nicht mit 9 Stellen definierbar.
SCChannel-Ausleitung funktioniert nicht mit …
SCReferenceFieldPlaceholder liefert inkonsistent CS Formatted / Unformatted Werte zurück
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.16.10)
Wenn Verbindung zu OWL abgebrochen ist, muss der Transmitter die versuchen wieder aufzubauen
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.12)
Zahl mit Maßeinheit als Magento-Dropdown
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.16)
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.16.10)
Sonderzeichen im Dateinamen in Excel werden ersetzt
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.16)
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.16.4)
CheckPlugin entfernen / Transmitter Übersetzung
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.15)
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.15)
Alter Import Button wirft Javascript Fehler
Channel-Bedingung “Vertriebskanal-Einstellung aus dem Sprachmapping laden” prüft alle Channels im Sprachmapping
Complex Article Massenbearbeitung sollte Sortierreihenfolge pflegen
GUI Fehler in der Stationsliste
Link auf Konfiguration sollte Sprachabhängigkeit aus dem verknüpften Plugin übernehmen
PHP Fehlermeldung im Wizard
Probleme mit dem ASYNC Job
Rechteprüfung für Installation deaktivieren
Sprachabhängigkeit von Zahlenfeldern im getValues
Stationsbackup in SC::Local funktionieren nicht
Syntaxfehler in der FTP API
Tabellenreihen geben eine SAWS Nachricht beim erstellen aus.
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.16.3)
HTML Anzeige in Subdatenmap
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.14)
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.13)
Datenmap im Job sollte nicht vorausgewählt sein
Fehler im SCCommunicationServer bei unbekannter/leerer Blackbird-URL
PHP 8 Cast bei Measurement Values
PHP 8 Kompatibilität der SCEventApi
PHP 8 Kompatibilitäten
pimListManagementHomePlugin wenn Portal nun im Projekt migriert wurde
SCCreateViewForStation findet keine Produkte ohne Workflow Filter
Stop Button im Job Log ist nicht mehr sichtbar
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.16.3)
Rsync Transmitter für Intershop
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.13)
Downloads: Dokumentname bei Downloads mitgeben
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.12)
Attribute innerhalb der Referenz werden nicht korrekt ausgegeben
Composer Updates
Data Quality Plugin schreibt immer Änderungen
Datenmap Zeilen Filter funktioniert bei der Ausleitung nicht
Datumsfehlermeldung entfernen
Drag&Drop weist Fehler auf
Fixed a workflow filter not applying
Job-bezogene Aufgabe startet Folgejob nicht neu, wenn er liegengeblieben ist
Kompatibilität des Variantenpflegescripts zu Data Quality mit Checkin/Checkout
KPI Anzeige stimmt nicht
Log-Details fehlt ‘String-handling’
Ordner löschen vor dem Export
SCIconValueRangeApi PHP8
Variantenpflegeskript: Produkte werden nicht als geändert markiert
Wenn ENV Variable im Job zu groß wird, passt der Wert nicht mehr in die PropertyValues
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.11)
Error in data structure: entity values are mixed
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.12)
AssignmentKey Funktionsweise in altem und neuem Property Modus überprüfen
Manueller Property-Pflege-Modus: Alle Einstellungen sind verloren gegangen
Shopware (und neuer): Language Delete Fehler bei der Übertragung der Variantenoptionen
Stationswerte ohne Namen im Import überspringen
Stationswerte: “Wert konnte nicht aufgelöst werden” Fehlermeldung beim Import
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.16.8)
Kopf und Datenzeile formatieren geht nur Zeilenweise
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.10)
Active Job “SAWS – Connector-Job starten” – als abgebrochen erkennen
Datenmap: GUI Fehler bei Widescreen Bildschirmen
HTML Entities in SAAS Cloud bei komplexen Artikel Massendialog
Job Center Übersetzungen nicht vollständig übersetzt
Kritische Fehler im Job Pilot
Verbinde Werte unterstützt nicht \n (Zeilenumbruch)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.10)
Logging für nachgeladene Produkte ist falsch
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.9)
Add guards for variant mass edit and no product selected
Add sortation to variant table display
Added “<" and ">” to support table search operators
Added error logging to the mail send in the job
Added guard for uninstalled records
Array Operation: Leere Werte entfernen sollte auch leere Arrays entfernen können
Bedingungsaktion entfernt sich manchmal bei der automatischen Speicherung
Channel Inheritance: Logeinträge reduzieren
Create View For Station: Workflow-Abfrage in der falschen Sprache
CS23.3 Kompatibilität
Fatal Error im Update Datamodel der SAWS Records in der CS23
Fehlermeldung im Export bei gelöschten Produkten, die noch in der Complex Article Tabelle verknüpft sind
Fix white format plugin tree
Gültigkeitszeitraum bei Preisen über Attribut funktioniert nicht immer
Icons der Connector-Klassen existieren nicht mehr
Job Pilot: Jeder Job-Start speichert einen Job
Job Pilot: Störende Einstellungen aus dem Kontext entfernen
Job-Pilot: HTML Anzeigefehler bei Suche
Job-Prozess-Verwaltung: Jobs von außen beenden können
Job-Wizard lässt sich nicht öffnen, wenn die Datenmap falsch ist
Legt leere Zeilen im Dataflow import an
Log für “A reference plugin received a reference” erweitern
Next/Last days Datumabfrage funktioniert nicht richtig
Owl Suggestion Vorschau öffnet Plugin-Auswahl
PHP8 Fehler im Import Connector
Sales Channel: Verknüpfte CS Channel, die nicht mehr existieren, müssen beim Loop Plugin herausgefiltert werden
SFTP change ssh2 encryption method
Übersetzung / Texte anpassen
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.16.6)
GenericJSON sollte leere Pakete überspringen
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.8)
Werte für sprachabhänge CS-Attribute werden nur je StoreView geschickt …
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.9)
“lastStock” und “laststock” im Article Detail und Article Data
Add compatibility for Shopware 6.5 + add option to remove single variant options
Category Child Count Fehler umgehen
Change display of properties to the label with the assignment key
Dependent Fields von Unterproperty Formatierungen werden nicht geladen
Fehlerbehandlung in der Übertragung
Kompatibilität mit der Shopware 5.7.0
Ohne gewählte Workflows sollten alle Items active sein
Product Properties: trim() Guards bei Properties
Produktlöschungen werden in allen Sprachen gesendet
Shopware 6.5: Cross Sellings und Variantenoptionsfilterung überprüfen
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.16.6)
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.7)
Ausleitung von CSFields in der falschen Sprache im Baumpfade Plugin
Delete-Log für das Löschen von ToDos immer deaktiviert
Div. Fehler beim Abarbeiten von amqp-Nachrichten im ActiveScript
Fix error where the Sales Channel State did not install themselves
Fixed a display issue of “more about Conditions” and fixed a bug where a CSImage was used as background on
elements Fixed a workflow filter not applying
Fixed an error when starting a job from a workflow action and the log should be displayed + removed the option to show the station overview when running a job from a workflow action.
Fixed attribute selection for Sales Channel attributes
Fixed too many exported objects in the Sales Channel Reader if the set filter filtered out every product
Iframe Events funktionieren nur im Iframe Step
Jobpilot direkt zu den Fundstellen springen
Opensearch als öffentlicher Share
Reduce logging of SAWS ActiveScripts
Return-Type Deklaration angepasst f. < PHP 8
Schleifencontext für komplexe Artikel Tabellen nimmt PdmarticleID als Key
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.16.4)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.7)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.7)
Stability Release May 2023- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.6)
Add manual for SAWS bookmark setting
Add record context to table loop
Changed default option of the job related tasks to “Job finished”
Changed the implementation of the channel creation activescript to the newer Contentserv API
Changed validation file name to the job name
Fix error where SAWS right settings affected the results in the search
Fix JavaScript crash when clicking the download button in the DeepSearch
Fix wrong point position when rounding
Fix wrong selected datamap in pipeline when changing it in the job
Fixed crash in SAWS ActiveScripts in newer Contentserv versions
Fixed missing plus button in channels for SAWS tables
Implemented compatibility of the sales channel value reader with multiple datamap root nodes
Improved the performance of the image cropping attribute type and fixed several crashes
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.6)
Fix where attribute code was sent in the wrong case
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.16.3)
Added KPI performance logging
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.6)
Fix error message display in the station values getter process
Fixed node map load if only the custom field action is selected & added debug logging for the custom fields
Implemented compatibility to Shopware 6.5
Implemented position for the custom fields based on the configuration order
Increased the re-send interval time
Limited custom field creation to base formats
Stability Release April 2023- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.5)
Fehler nach Duplizierung von Datenmapzeilen
Fixed the SAWS table search to search more than 10 layers
Flextabelle aus Produkt laden, wenn es ein PdmarticleStructure Objekt ist
Implemented an error message if a reference loop is used with a text field instead of a reference field
Implemented an error message if database attributes (like “Label”) are selected in a reference loop as values on the reference itself
Improved the performance when loading consecutive or linked formats
Removed the wiki iFrames from the format plugin editor for better performance
Smart Document ActiveScript: Zu viele Dateien im Cache
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.5)
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.16.2)
Fixed an error where the workflow and attribute set fields were not visible in the datamap when using the Sales Channel Reader
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.5)
Stability Release March 2023- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.4)
Added a link to the beginner’s guide video in the help menu
Added an option to change custom columns in the SAWS Tables to index columns
Added date check options to check for the Valid To date of a price or channel as well
Added Owl connection retry link to the version table
Added right check for to-do badge
Added support for new Contentserv search options in the SAWS tables
Added the fast-switch pipeline editor to the wizard
Added the possibility to use conditions with \n
Added the transmitter selection to the job pilot context
Async ActiveScript – Restart
Changed beginner’s guide icon to the YouTube icon
Disabled the browser auto-complete for the login credentials in all transmitters
Erste Transmitter heißt immer Standard im Job
Erweiterung SCCreateViewForStationScript
Fixed a crash in the connector suite when the REST service installation order was incorrect
Fixed a crash in the sales channel rule action plugin
Fixed a crash in the update data model in newer Contentserv versions
Fixed a crash in the variant maintenance ActiveScript when using the “Search for children recursively” option
Fixed a crash in the wizard if the connection to the Owl could not be established
Fixed a PHP warning when right-clicking the a record in a usage list
Fixed an error where datamap row backups could not be imported in the attribute or workflow reader
Fixed an error where erroneously configured conditions could not create log entries
Fixed an error where job parameter format plugin replaced to many values
Fixed an error where the job play buttons could disappear when using the same license in multiple systems
Fixed an error where the the version display was not visible when the connection to the Owl Cloud could not be established
Fixed an error where the View Creation ActiveScript used less RAM than what was set in Contentserv
Fixed compatibility errors with the SOLR Connector
Fixed compatibility of restservice installation with CS22.5
Fixed compatibility of the Convert Value Range Values Into Each Other Plugin with newer connector versions (1.14+)
Fixed minor errors in case of references pointing to deleted records
Fixed rare cases where the values of a wrong language were exported in language-dependent exports
Fixed SAWS table search in the CS22.5
Fixed the language-dependency of the “multiple values” loop context
Fixed the sometimes missing play button in the job pilot
Fixed type-sensitivity of all connectors for null
Fixed unselectable “null” as type cast selection in the type cast format plugin
Implemented compatibility for decimal option in Contentserv measure attributes
Implemented compatibility with the CS23.0
Improved datamap root node implementation
Improved implementation of the mapping status selection font
Improved implementation of the PathFieldPlugin and PhpCodeValuesFieldPlugin
Job abbrechen aus dem Kontext Menü funktioniert nicht
Play-Buttons in Fast Switch Pipeline
The job export button will now be hidden if the user does not have the rights to execute exports instead of just blocking the export
Type Error im SCVariantChooserEditorType, wenn man Array Werte gepflegt hat
Wizard scrollt nicht mehr auf aktuellen Step
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.16.3)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.4)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.4)
Added option to delete properties if the according attribute in Contentserv was deleted
Added translation for reader context selection, and implemented guard for missing source language
Fixed a crash when exporting property attributes that were already deleted in the PIM
Fixed a crash when using other attributes than the “PdmarticleID” for the ID conversion
Fixed a crash where the Shopware 6 AMQP was not compatible with the Magento AMQP
Fixed an error where properties created from attributes with the same name conflicted in the station values
Fixed several PHP 8 errors
Implemented a drastic performance improvements for the format of the product properties
Implemented compatibility of condition plugins if the user uses custom, maintained UUIDs instead of generated ones
Implemented compatibility of the search with certain installed Shopware extensions
Implemented filter for deleted attributes in the property creation
Implemented removal of canonical product ID from the package if the linked product does not exist yet
Improved messages in case of errors in the property and custom field creation
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.16.3)
The AI auto-mapping step will now be skipped if no connection to the Owl could be established
Stability Release February 2023- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.16.1)
[GUI] Changed all station creation dialogs to the wizard
[Installation] Fixed an error where the installation of the 1.16 connector REST services was blocked
[Job Restart] Fixed an error where the job restart button was not displayed
[Owl Connection] Added display of Owl connection in the version table
[Owl REST Service] Fixed a crash in the Owl connection
[Sales Channel Search] Improved the searchable column names
[Value Loading] Improved the stability of the value loading from Contentserv
[Wizard Steps] Fixed an error where connector-specific steps were not loaded
Fixed a crash in the attribute export of language-independent attributes
Fixed a crash in the datamap backup diff and fixed a crash in the local backup selection
Fixed a crash in the reference export
Fixed a crash when using rounding in specific php installations
Fixed several minor bugs in all connectors
Fixed the export of string functions/formular attributes in the default language
Improved the colors and the design of all component selections in the wizard
Marked the restart and image URL option as a local option
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.16.1)
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.16.1)
[GUI] Added a description for this connector
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.16.1)
Fixed a crash in the export when the Magento websites were not downloadet yet
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.16.1)
[Wizard] Added all OXID datamap options to the wizard
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.16.1)
[Category Translation] Added category tree translation field to the wizard
[Shopware 6 / Reader] Added the normal product and channel reader to the Shopware 6 connector
[Variant Display] Fixed reset of variant display back to expanded properties if the main variant is removed
Fixed a crash when using the new product nodemap condition without having “PdmarticleID” mapped once in the mapping
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.16.1)
[CSV Creation] Added the possibility to use no character delimiter for the columns of a CSV file
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