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SAWSConnector Usages

Synchronization history

The “SAWSConnector Usages” shows all exports or synchronizations that were made using one of the SAWSConnectors.

The list for the synchronizations can be found in the PIM module. Navigate to the module and select the product you need specific export information on. In the upper left corner of the main view of the product, select “Product” and click on “SAWSConnector Usages”.

A window will pop up that will show you the synchronization history of the selected product.

It will entail all configured synchronizations of the product, that means you will see an overview of all stations that contain a root node (PIM product and – if the value reader is set to Views – also the View root node) that in turn contains the selected product (or a View of the selected product if your value reader is set to “Views”). This list however, does not mean that the product was indeed synchronized – these information can be found on the tab “Actual exports”:

Label Description Example
Assigned channels Export channels1 the product is assigned to. Channels can be defined individually in a value range.2 Onlinshop Germany
Assigned stocks Stocks3 that are assigned to the product. Stock 1
Assigned stations All stations the product is assigned to, that means all stations that contain a root node that in turn contains the product (or a view of it if your value reader is set to views) Magento Shop 1.0

1Marketing channels and 3stocks

You can find the marketing channels and the stocks assigned to your product in the settings of the source data set.

Navigate to the source data set to “Settings”. In the section “language mapping”, both marketing channels and stocks can be assigned.

2 Value range for marketing channels

Marketing channels can be found in CS PIM Studio, “Value Lists” under SAWSConnector-> SAWSConnectorChannels. They can be extended indefinitely.

4Root node map of the station

You can find the root node map in the station. Here you can define which tree (view/product) should be exported for the displayed source data set and where the product data are located:

Display of actually exported data

Click on the “actual reports” tab in order to see which channels your selected procut was actually synchronized with or exported to.

You can use the filter option, e.g. use the desired station. Click on any job to display the exported data en detail:

Disable SAWSConnector Usages

The synchronization history can be disabled for an entire source data set. Navigate to the desired source data set and set the checkbox below to active:

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