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Source data set configuration

In the Overview, please click on the “Edit source data set” button (see red mark). You will be taken to the edit mode of the source data set.

Please refer to the table below for the settings in the source data set and then save.

Default Language

Choose the default language for the data export

Select source of data

Choose whether you want to export product data from CS PIM or Views

XML wrapper

This empty XML template will be loaded upon the creation of an XML file.

Url to the XSD for verifiying the result XML

Url like: https://sawsconnector.saws.de/xsd/company.xsd

Link to XDS-file ( MAM path)

Store an XSD in the MAM and include the file.

Example for assinging a XML template file and a validation xsd-file

Please open the tab “Configuration of the data source”.

In this step, set the workflow statuses products or views need to have in order to be exported. Every status you select to the right hand side will be exported; the workflow statuses that remain on the left hand side will not be exported

Language mapping

Please set at least one language as displayed in the example below:

Workflow  state mapping

You can define what CONTENTSERV  workflow status should become what product status in the XML export file.

Please navigate now to the “Mapping table” -tab.

Standard attribute mapping [Pdmarticlestructure]


The node map configuration

The node map indicates to which container the particular elements will be moved:


Result in the XML – structure

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