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Importing data to our price tables

There are 3 general methods to import data to our SC::Pricetables

Use the REST service

Use our API

Use a Data Flow Import

Using the REST service to import prices to our price tables

API calls can be used to maintain the SAWS prices. The full documentation can be found here.

Using the table import templates

SC::Prices can also be imported from an Excel or CSV file if it is filled correctly. It should be noted that this method works for every type of SC::Table, including SC::Price, SC::Stock, SC::Channel and SC::Complex articles.

First, you have to pay our friendly penguin a visit. By clicking on him, he provides you with a fitting import template for the current SC::Table.

This file can then be used to import multiple table entries at once. The import works in the exact same manner as the normal Contentserv CSV import. That means that the first column “_ImportAction” decides whether an entry is added, updated or deleted. To decide use the following characters:

    • Letter I (INSERT): Adds the table entry (Leave the ID field empty)
    • Letter U (UPDATE): Updates an existing table entry (ID field must be given)
    • Letter D (DELETE): Deletes an existing table entry (ID field must be given)

The ID fields for every table are always the second column in the template file. They look like this:

    • ScpricetableID for the SC::Prices
    • ScstocktableID for the SC::Stocks
    • ScchannelID for the SC::Channels
    • SccomplexarticletableID for the SC::Complex articles

Don’t forget to set the PdmarticleID, otherwise the table entry will not be mapped to a product. Feel free to test your operations. To do so upload the file via the standard CSV import.

You are able to see what will happen before the real import is executed.

Using a Data Flow Import

Import prices from a file or a database using the Data Flow Import ActiveScript plugin.

Tutorial: Data Flow Import

Further information

Attention: Here you will find the instruction for the Dataflow import of SC::Tables.

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