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Magento 2.x Installation

Step1: Installing SAWSConnector Magento Module in CS

In order to be able to use the SAWSConnector, it needs to be checked out as an “External SVN Repository”, as you see in the folloing table: “Magento Connector Versions” ->Features/SVN.

Notice: There are videos for the installation process.
Look here: Magento installation videos.

Magento Connector VersionsMagento Connector ticketsSAWSConnector Basic tickets

If these conditions are met, you can configure the SAWSConnector in your CS Studio:

SAWSConnector CS Studio

SAWSConnector CS Studio

SAWSConnector CS Studio

Open the settings and navigate to the SAWSConnector Module: Activate the SAWSConnector Module and save your settings.

SAWSConnector Magento activation

Step 2: Installing SAWSConnector Client on Magento (FastSimpleImport2/SAWSMagentoClient)

The import module “FastSimpleImport2 / SAWSMagentoClient” is based on FastSimpleImport2 (version 1.1), but is a separate SAWS module and includes the complete interface to Magento 2 (FastSimpleImport2 no longer needs to be installed).

Installation instructions:

First open the Secure Shell session of you magento installation and navigate to your magento root directory.

Depending on the version of  the Magento2 Installation (version 2.1.x / version 2.2.x and later), different client modules will be installed

Installtion for Magento version 2.1

sudo composer config repositories.saws '{&quot;type&quot;:&quot;vcs&quot;,&quot;url&quot;:&quot;https://svn.saws.de/public/magento/modules-v2/sawsconnector&quot;}'
sudo composer require saws/sawsconnector:1.4.*
sudo bin/magento module:enable saws_sawsconnector
sudo bin/magento setup:upgrade

Installation for Magento version 2.2 and later

sudo composer config repositories.saws '{&quot;type&quot;:&quot;vcs&quot;,&quot;url&quot;:&quot;https://svn.saws.de/public/magento/modules-v2/sawsconnector&quot;}'
sudo composer require saws/sawsconnector:1.5.*
sudo bin/magento module:enable saws_sawsconnector
sudo bin/magento setup:upgrade


If necessary, set the rights of you magento installation directory

sudo chown www-data:www-data -R ../[MAGENTO]


After successful installation, please check the new component in Magento:
Navigate to SYSTEM -> Web Setup Wizard -> “Component Manager” -> Module saws/sawsconnector and click on “Component Name” for changing the sort order:



Navigate to “STORES” -> “SERVICES” and configure the settings for the FastSimpleImport2/SAWSConnector.
Notice: The Security Token is needed for the station configuration later (see 2.2. configuration->Magento 2.x configuration).


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