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Context-Sensitive Product Value Export

In the Contentserv PIM, context sensitive product values can be maintained to reach different target groups or provide other contextualised data. These values can, of course, be exported with all SAWSConnectors. Here’s how.

In our example, we will maintain and export context sensitive data for different age groups (children, adults, elderly, etc.).

Create Product Contexts (Tags)

Create a Contentserv tag for every context. We recommend storing the context tags in a seperate folder.

Activate Attributes for Contexts

To be able to change an attribute for a different context, the contexts must be set here.

Maintain Product Context Values

Enter the Explorer instead of the PIM and open the product, you want to maintain context values at.

Add the tags to the product for which you want to maintain context specific values.

Now a context selection should appear at the top.

Switch the context and maintain context specific values. In my case different descriptions for each age group.

Export the context-sensitive values

You can set the context for an entire connector job.

Alternatively, you can be even more precise and control the context for each datamap row instead of the job by setting it in the format configuration. The context can also be selected in loop formats.

The export then loads the context-sensitive values, and the normal product values in case they are empty, and exports it just like any other product attribute.

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