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Searching for SC::Channels

The search for the SC::Channels it mostly the same to all SC::Tables but the channel name can have master channels which are considered as well.

As of 18.05.2022, it is not possible for a channel to have more than one master channel. The Contentserv search does not allow infinite recursions in that matter.

In this example Germany, France, Britain and Greece have the master channel Europe while Washington, Florida, Texas and California have the master channel USA.


The product are maintained like this. All TVs are available to the US but the UNT TVs are US-only.


Thus searching for France returns all products maintained for Europe.


Searching for California on the other hand returns all US products.


Of course, products can be specifically disabled for a child channel. In this case all HLT TVs are not sold in California anymore.


And thus not found when searching specifically for California.

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