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Version 1.14

SVN paths for this version:

Release NotesChangelogRoadmap


  • SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.0)
    • Added a loading dialog when switching between format plugins with the tree

    • Added a new TO-DO functionality allowing you to store incomplete products in a TO-DO list which can then be edited in a centralized editor and then be re-exported

    • Added a shortcut in the condition for existing SC::Channel

    • Added a visual indicator if a job or station is deactivated

    • Added many internal improvements to format plugins that use sub-mappings

    • Added overview redirect button to station pop-up

    • Added several links in the format plugins to their new wiki pages

    • Added support of WebDav and Nextcloud to the file transfer task plugin

    • Added the possibility to create a station without a datamap

    • Added the possibility to determine the package size and count per process per job individually

    • Added the possibility to lock jobs, so that they can be started but not reconfigured

    • Added the possibility to restart jobs if they died or crashed

    • Added the possibility to set a mapping status for each datamap row and added a new assistant for an easier mapping

    • Changed the behaviour of all connectors to that disabled checkboxes are not treated as empty values anymore

    • Changed the behaviour of the SC::Channel Mass Edit to only create channels for products with the table attribute maintained

    • Changed the Create view for station script to not auto-maintain the station type of products to “simple”

    • Established the compatibility of all connectors with php8

    • Implemented the possibility to search products with at least one SC::Table entry maintained (SC::Price, SC::Stock, etc.)

    • Improved the output of arrays throughout all connectors to display data types

    • Made many improvements to the transparency of the FTP / SFTP / NextCloud task plugin

    • Reworked the entire user experience of all connectors to show all components of an export in the same window in a compact manner

    • Show patch notes in overview menu

  • SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.14.0)
    • Added the possibility to connect Shops with the GenericJSON connector over RabbitMQ

    • All SC::Table (price, stock) values are now copied if a product is duplicated

  • SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.0)
    • Added new colors to the configuration cogs in the datamap based on the update mode

    • Completely reworked the property creation to map themselves automatically based on the maintained station values

    • Implemented a huge rework in terms of configuration convenience and export performance

    • Implemented a new performance system in the communication with Shopware which disables the indexing when sending a package

    • Implemented support for main variants in Shopware 6

  • SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.0)
    • Added the possibility to auto-map the entire Excel datamap based on a template with the Owl AI


  • SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.0)
    • 3rd party libraries update

    • Added multiple configurations to the “Export multiple attributes” field plugin that enables the user to increase its performance by fine-tuning the exported values

    • Added the documentation field of the datamap inside the summary

    • Added the possibility to expand or collapse all sections in the development editor

    • Added the possibility to use characters like Ä-Ö-Ü in the external key of SC::Channels

    • Alle attributseingaben für PIM-Objekte sollten die Suche unterstützen

    • Alternative Platzhalter funktionieren nicht mit leeren strings.

    • Altes Datemap-Symbol noch in Übersicht

    • Ausblenden von Menüpunkten im Connector

    • Ausleitung von Tag Attributen nicht möglich

    • Default Wert bei getSettingsValue ohne besetehendem Setting nicht berücksichtigt

    • Development Editor soll nicht mehr immer den Job starten

    • Dry Run im Fill Table with Children Script löscht Komplexe Artikel

    • Enabled creation of datamap-summaries

    • Fixed a critical error in the CS20.12 where the datamap could not be displayed correctly

    • Fixed a critical error where format plugins could not be opened in the newest CONTENTSERV version

    • Fixed an error in rare cases where the PIM select with the auto-complete could make a configuration unsavable

    • Fixed an error in the loop format plugin for SC::Complex articles where the LinkedPdmarticleID could not be exported

    • Fixed an error in the view creation ActiveScript where it could stop in the middle of the creation when running for a long time

    • Fixed an error the combine values plugin was not compatible with the field plugin tree

    • Fixed an error throughout all sub-mapping format plugins where “SourceField” could not be used in combination with the “Export attributes simultaneosly” format plugin

    • Fixed an error where a datamap could not be opened if a backup with an uninstalled reader was imported

    • Fixed an error where disabled checkboxes still changed their color to yellow even though they can’t be changed

    • Fixed an error where newly created datamaps always mentioned that they were changed

    • Fixed an error where PdmarticleID in the complex article format plugin did not deliver the ID of the linked variant product

    • Fixed an error where SC::Complex articles were reloaded with a product even if it did not have the right SC::Channel when using the SC::Channel reader

    • Fixed an error where SC::Tables could not be opened in newer PHP versions

    • Fixed an error where some debug log entries were not created in the development mode

    • Fixed an error where station values of all stations could be selected instead of being limited to the current station

    • Fixed an error where the columns were not visible in the differential station import

    • Fixed an error where the CSSecurity changed values when saving a configuration that contained brackets

    • Fixed an error where the datamap summary button was displayed in the datamap creation

    • Fixed an error where the format plugin help page was not build properly

    • Fixed an error where the image cropping CSType could have rounding errors when cropping in a 4:3 ratio

    • Fixed an error where the loop plugin for CS::Tables did not export table values properly

    • Fixed an error where the mapped complex articles were not visible in channels of the product

    • Fixed an error where the option for skipping disabled complex articles skipped all non-disabled products instead

    • Fixed an error where the PHP format plugin could not be stored

    • Fixed an error where the SC::Navigator and the format plugin tree were always collapsed

    • Fixed an error where the SFTP task plugin threw an error when uploading an empty file

    • Fixed an error where the station value for the fallback currency of the dummy price could throw an error if left empty

    • Fixed an error where the tree icon was missing after saving a format plugin

    • Fixed an error where the variant building display did not detect zero as a value

    • Fixed an error where translations of pane or section titles were not exported when the sort order of these was negative

    • Generelle AMQP Implementierung

    • Hilfeseite im Format-Plugin wird nicht mehr angezeigt

    • Icon für Component overview anpassen

    • Implemented a display of the station name and ID in the right-click context for jobs

    • Implemented description texts for all reader types in the datamap

    • Implemented the possibility to implode or explode values with the array operations format plugin

    • Improved the design of locked jobs

    • Jobeditor öffnen aus dem Log heraus, mit den Parametern, mit der der Job gestartet wurde

    • Klassenfilter für Attribute auch beim Schleifenkontext einbauen

    • Logeintrag-Framework um Dokumentation erweitern

    • Reihenfolge der Lognachrichten im Job-Context Dialog stimmt nicht

    • SAWS beeinflusst die Ladezeiten der CS-Listenansicht

    • SAWSConnector über “composer.json” installieren

    • SC::Channel Reader Rechtsklick-Exporte über den Produktbaum durchführen können

    • Schleifencontext sollte erweitert werden, dass man Sortierattribut angeben

    • Schleifenkontext in bestimmten Konstellationen unvollständig

    • Workflow Status wird über getAllSiblings nicht mehr geladen

  • SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.14.0)
    • 3rd party libraries update

    • AVRO Support Kafka Anbindung

    • Fixed an error in the backward compatibility where the workflow state filter did not return the same data type as before

    • Fixed an error where the log entry for skipped products was written twice in the log

    • ImageServer-URL bei Standard-Bildausleitung wird nicht mehr zurückgegeben

    • undefined Variable in DataCheckPlugin

    • Updated the composer library for the GenericJSON Kafka transmitter

  • SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.14.0)
    • Fixed an error where the XML export was cancelled when exporting very huge amounts of data

  • SAWSConnector – Installer (Version 1.14.0)
    • Beim Auschecken eines Produkt wird ein SAWSInstaller-Fehler ausgegeben

    • Installer deinstalliert den SAWSConnector

    • Login soll auch über Keycloak möglich sein

  • SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.0)
    • 3rd party libraries update

    • Attributwert in Default-StoreView aber Leerwert in untergeordnetem StoreView

    • Extended Attributsübertragung (Ansicht Icon)

    • Fixed an error where complex articles were not reloaded into the export when the format plugin was set to language dependent

    • Fixed an error where the cog wheel color of the transformation list format plugin could have the wrong colour

    • Fixed an error where the selected Magento backend type did not send its expected value

    • Fixed an error where variants had to be uniquely maintained even when sending them as simple products

    • Kategorieassignment auf dem obersten Knoten kann man nicht leer setzen

    • Kategorieübertragung für Magento Cloud nicht möglich

    • Laufzeit der Schattenattribute ist extrem hoch – Teilweise Timeout

    • Multiprocessing über AMQP

    • Produktbeziehungen können nicht mehr über Un/formatted ausgeleitet werden.

    • Warnhinweis bei der Einstellung zur Attributssynhronistation hinzufügen

    • Wechsel zwischen Produkttypen bei existierenden Produkten nicht möglich

    • Übersetzung der Bundle Option – Title derzeit nicht möglich

    • Übersetzungen Schattenattribute

  • SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.14.0)
    • Change Plugin Name for complex article table! Needs your reconfiguration of PIM attribut.

  • SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.0)
    • Added a manual to the overwrite functionality of associations

    • Added a message if the user tries to import station values without having station value types installed

    • Added new logic for the migration of deprecated station values to new ones

    • Added several error descriptions to the log in case of an error on the Shopware side

    • Added several error descriptions to the log in case of an error on the Shopware side

    • Added the possibility to delete all deprecated station values with one click and made many internal improvements to the station value functionality

    • Added the possibility to search the property rows in the property format plugin

    • Added the possibility to translate the cmsHeadline and cmsText of categories

    • Duplicate entry // INSERT INTO `product_configurator_setting`

    • Fixed an error where a multi-selection could not be resolved into multiple sub-properties

    • Fixed an error where a sent product would have the same properties as the previously sent product

    • Fixed an error where product properties could not overwrite themselves when also being used in the variant building

    • Fixed an error where text fields could not be synchronized as properties in multiple languages

    • Fixed an error where the album ID could not be added to the media upload

    • Fixed an error where the category log was created even without the action selected

    • Fixed an error where the dummy price could only be sent if the CONTENTSERV system uses SC::Prices

    • Fixed an error where the fallback currency for the dummy price could throw a critical runtime error

    • Fixed an error where the search field of the property field plugin would color itself yellow

    • Fixed an error where the station value types did not assign their value type (language, value range, etc.) automatically in the installation

    • Fixed an error where the translation package could throw an error even though the translations were perfectly created

    • Fixed an error where the variants could not be built with the new improved variant value requests

    • Fixed an error where variant properties could not be translated

    • Implemented a new system allowing the user to decide whether any value shall be sent if it already exists in Shopware

    • Implemented the compatibility of the connector with the Shopware version

    • Implemented the possibility to set a custom timeout interval for all Shopware requests

    • Implemented the possibility to use the value of attribute plugin in combination with “SourceField” or “Source”

    • Improved the category transfer to automatically skip the parent ID for root categories set in the station

    • Improved the communication to the user when synchronizing categories

    • Kategoriesortierung mit afterCategoryId

  • SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.0)
    • 3rd party libraries update

    • Added the possibility to export Excel formulas with the connector

    • Fixed an error in the backward compatibility where the format of Excel tabs was not migrated properly after updating

    • Optimized editor layout of the object to cell format plugin

Stability Release April 2022
  • SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.3)
    • Added a new display of the search for SC::To-Dos in the products to show products where the copied CS Channels have To-Do entries as well

    • Added a new functionality that refreshes the log if a job is opened

    • Added new buttons to the SC::Component Editor to be able to open a component in a separate tab

    • Added the possibility to export every subtype of a Contentserv unit attribute value

    • Added the possibility to link format plugins in different nodemaps

    • Added the possibility to open a mass editor dialog in the SC::Table overview

    • Changed the entire caching logic of all connectors to a new SAWS cache to act independently from Contentserv

    • Enhanced the search for SC::Job Tags to hide stations where none of its jobs are found

    • Fixed a critical error where the number format plugin could round numbers unintentionally in newer Contentserv versions

    • Fixed a php8 error when managing complex SC::Stock entries

    • Fixed an error where in rare cases the jobs could have the wrong sort order in the right-click context

    • Fixed an error where SC::Local backups could not be found after the upload & many minor fixes

    • Fixed an error where table values in intermediate objects could not be loaded

    • Fixed an error where the attribute “Source” had to be set in placeholders for them to work with the source value where earlier they did not need it

    • Fixed an error where the formatted value was sent if a value subtype was selected that exists but was empty in the CSValueDetails

    • Fixed an error where the SC::Image Cropping CSType could create errors if its preset was deleted

    • Fixed an error where the SCVariantChooserEditorType could not display PIM references correctly

    • Sprachunabhängiger Schleifenzähler zählt doppelt

  • SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.14.2)
    • Fixed a few php8 incompatibility errors

  • SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.3)
    • Added new options to control the “Allow HTML” parameter of attributes via the connector

  • SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.3)
    • Added Shopware media folder IDs to the station values

    • Fixed an error where the new media could be sent twice if it was sent in the same job run

    • Greatly improved the logging in case of missing values in a product

    • Made minor improvements in the MD5 back logging of Shopware 6 messages

Stability Release March 2022
  • SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.2)
    • Added the possibility to not write a log entry when skipping a product via a condition

    • Added the possibility to sort arrays by their key values with the array format plugin

    • Added the possibility to sort values in the multiple values loop plugin

    • Fixed an error where a mass attribute export delivered empty values if it had the same source attribute as another datamap row

    • Fixed an error where CSFavorites in CSChannels could not be used with SC::Table searches

    • Fixed an error where SC::Pricetable entries could not be exported in php8

    • Fixed an error where some product links in the SC::Table could not be searched with the product label

    • Fixed an error where the “Continue job” button did not appear in the station overview

    • Fixed an error where the connector classes could not be loaded in a cluster configuration

    • Fixed an error where the connector jobs could still be started via the right-click context without all necessary rights set

    • Fixed an error where the export pipeline icons could not be loaded in some Contentserv systems

    • Fixed the php8 compatibility of all SAWS Dataflow Plugins

    • Greatly improved the precision of the general error logging of all connectors

  • SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.2)
    • Exportreihenfolge der Produkte

    • Fixed several php8 errors

  • SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.2)
    • Added a new logging functionality for Shopware 6 that converts the MD5 hashes back to human-readable values

    • Changed the sending behaviour to not send translation packages if the package of the default language already failed

    • Changed the variant product transmission to send the variants in different packages

    • Fixed an error where the translation package could throw an error even though the translations were perfectly created

Stability Release February 2022
  • SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.1)
    • Added a manual to the Nextcloud task plugin

    • Added the possibility to filter products with a CSBookmark in the SC::Channel reader

    • Established the compatibility of all connectors with the value rework of the CS21.6

    • Fixed an error where an export could stop when the end-date of it is requested in an SC::Task Plugin

    • Fixed an error where attributes of SC::Variant Viewer CSType were not exportable via the Several Attribute Format Plugin

    • Fixed an error where attributes were not correctly loaded into the Switch Case Format Plugin

    • Fixed an error where TO-DO products that still created errors were not re-entered into the TO-DO list

    • Fixed multiple compatibility issues of all connectors with php8

    • Implemented the compatibility of the SC::Active Scripts with the value rework of the CS21.6

  • SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.14.1)
    • Fixed an error where the tutorial link in the target key builder 404ed

  • SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.1)
    • Fixed an error where the Magento values could not be synchronized back into the categories

  • SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.1)
    • Added a new check mechanism to the SC::Channel reader to check the change date of variant products of the variant head

    • Fixed an error in the category translation to be left untouched if not maintained in the datamap

    • Fixed an error where station values could not be imported if station value type configurations were left empty

    • Fixed an error where the variants could not create todo list entries

Planned bugfixes for the next Stability Release

  • SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.4)
    • Filter auf Datenmap-Status filtert Unterkonfigurationen (Platzhalter)

    • Fixed a few php8 warnings if the user did not update the data model after installing the 1.14

    • Fixed an error where the incremental export via the FTP task plugin did not work

    • Fixed an error where the transformation KPI was shown is milliseconds instead of seconds

    • Owl Verbindung: Connector zum Einspeichern nur mitgeben, sofern auch Connector-spezifische Plugins verwendet werden

  • SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.4)
    • Added the possibility to set a fixed package size for product packages when sending them to Shopware

    • Fixed an error where the property set of a product could not be changed if it has no property values

  • SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.2)
    • Fixed an error where the exported Excel rows could not be sorted by their value in a column

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