Owl Cloud Services
Base Connector
- Beginner's Guide
- SAWSConnector settings
- Overview
- Station configuration
- Datamaps
- Importing templates
- Setting conditions
- Job related tasks
- Job filter function
- How to create backups
- Running and Monitoring Jobs
- Start jobs automatically
- Import/Export & copy of data map rows
- Synchronizing references that are not contained in views
- Get the preconfigured "Source data set - Template"
- Configuring categories and products
- Fill Bundle and Variant tables from children
- Create View tree automatically
- Configuring the price & stock modules
- Configuring the price/stock value ranges
- Configuring volume discounts/scale prices
- How to export prices
- How to export stock values from certain storage units
- Use of Contentserv Credentials
- Connector & Station User Limitation
- Show all articles ( 10 ) Collapse Articles
- Working with placeholder in conditions
- Improve usability of SC::Tables
- Placeholder for SC::Price, SC::Channel, SC::Stock
- REST Service API for SAWS Tables (Prices, Stock, Channels & Complex Articles)
- Dataflow import of SC::Tables
- Dataflow export of SC::Tables
- The datamap summary - Creating an automated documentation
- Export images as a ZIP file
- Image export with direct access to the CONTENTSERV platform
- Image export with no access to the CONTENTSERV platform
- Image export from a third party system
- How to configure CS Dashboard
- Setup a transformation list for CSTypes
- Transfer final result files to remote server by using FTP, sFTP, WebDAV or Azure Blob Storage
- Export Smart Document via Active Script and assign output to product
- Format Macros
- Controlling Connector Jobs via the REST API
- Sales Channel Maintenance via Excel Cross-Reference
- Show all articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop value for simple data record
GenericJSON / DynamicJSON Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
GenericXML Connector
- All Tutorials for creating XMLs
- SAWSConnector settings
- Station configuration
- Example station configuration
- Source data set configuration
- Example source data set mappings for the XML export
- Job configuration
- Simple XML Tags
- Images
- References
- SC::Prices
- SC::Stock
- SC::Channel
- Specials
- BMECat 1.2 Template
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
SimpleExcel Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Magento Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Shopware 5 Connector
- Configuration Shopware
- Configuration PIM
- Shopware attribute setting
- Configuration SAWSConnector
- Station configuration
- Source data set configuration
- Configuring categories and products
- Price table configuration for Shopware
- Result in Shopware
- Subshops and the SAWSConnector Shopware
- ean
- Custom Fields (attribute)
- highlight
- purchaseSteps
- stockMin
- supplierNumber
- notification
- shippingFree
- length
- height
- width
- weight
- shippingTime
- metaKeywords
- Show all articles ( 9 ) Collapse Articles
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Shopware 6 Connector
- Tutorial Video
- First steps
- Import Shopware settings
- Export categories
- Export media files
- Export simple products
- Export multiple languages
- Export variant products
- Export product properties
- Export custom fields
- Export product cross-selling relationships
- Export prices
- Export stocks
- Export into any other Shopware field
- How to address multiple Shopware 6 websites
- How to address different Shopware 6 Sale-Channels from one Contentserv System
- Useful Links
- Sales Channel Maintenance via Excel Cross-Reference
- Show all articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
OXID Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Typo3 Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Other Connectors
Version 1.14
SVN paths for this version:
Base connector (always required):
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.0)
Added a loading dialog when switching between format plugins with the tree
Added a new TO-DO functionality allowing you to store incomplete products in a TO-DO list which can then be edited in a centralized editor and then be re-exported
Added a shortcut in the condition for existing SC::Channel
Added a visual indicator if a job or station is deactivated
Added many internal improvements to format plugins that use sub-mappings
Added overview redirect button to station pop-up
Added several links in the format plugins to their new wiki pages
Added support of WebDav and Nextcloud to the file transfer task plugin
Added the possibility to create a station without a datamap
Added the possibility to determine the package size and count per process per job individually
Added the possibility to lock jobs, so that they can be started but not reconfigured
Added the possibility to restart jobs if they died or crashed
Added the possibility to set a mapping status for each datamap row and added a new assistant for an easier mapping
Changed the behaviour of all connectors to that disabled checkboxes are not treated as empty values anymore
Changed the behaviour of the SC::Channel Mass Edit to only create channels for products with the table attribute maintained
Changed the Create view for station script to not auto-maintain the station type of products to “simple”
Established the compatibility of all connectors with php8
Implemented the possibility to search products with at least one SC::Table entry maintained (SC::Price, SC::Stock, etc.)
Improved the output of arrays throughout all connectors to display data types
Made many improvements to the transparency of the FTP / SFTP / NextCloud task plugin
Reworked the entire user experience of all connectors to show all components of an export in the same window in a compact manner
Show patch notes in overview menu
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.14.0)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.0)
Added new colors to the configuration cogs in the datamap based on the update mode
Completely reworked the property creation to map themselves automatically based on the maintained station values
Implemented a huge rework in terms of configuration convenience and export performance
Implemented a new performance system in the communication with Shopware which disables the indexing when sending a package
Implemented support for main variants in Shopware 6
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.0)
Added the possibility to auto-map the entire Excel datamap based on a template with the Owl AI
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.0)
3rd party libraries update
Added multiple configurations to the “Export multiple attributes” field plugin that enables the user to increase its performance by fine-tuning the exported values
Added the documentation field of the datamap inside the summary
Added the possibility to expand or collapse all sections in the development editor
Added the possibility to use characters like Ä-Ö-Ü in the external key of SC::Channels
Alle attributseingaben für PIM-Objekte sollten die Suche unterstützen
Alternative Platzhalter funktionieren nicht mit leeren strings.
Altes Datemap-Symbol noch in Übersicht
Ausblenden von Menüpunkten im Connector
Ausleitung von Tag Attributen nicht möglich
Default Wert bei getSettingsValue ohne besetehendem Setting nicht berücksichtigt
Development Editor soll nicht mehr immer den Job starten
Dry Run im Fill Table with Children Script löscht Komplexe Artikel
Enabled creation of datamap-summaries
Fixed a critical error in the CS20.12 where the datamap could not be displayed correctly
Fixed a critical error where format plugins could not be opened in the newest CONTENTSERV version
Fixed an error in rare cases where the PIM select with the auto-complete could make a configuration unsavable
Fixed an error in the loop format plugin for SC::Complex articles where the LinkedPdmarticleID could not be exported
Fixed an error in the view creation ActiveScript where it could stop in the middle of the creation when running for a long time
Fixed an error the combine values plugin was not compatible with the field plugin tree
Fixed an error throughout all sub-mapping format plugins where “SourceField” could not be used in combination with the “Export attributes simultaneosly” format plugin
Fixed an error where a datamap could not be opened if a backup with an uninstalled reader was imported
Fixed an error where disabled checkboxes still changed their color to yellow even though they can’t be changed
Fixed an error where newly created datamaps always mentioned that they were changed
Fixed an error where PdmarticleID in the complex article format plugin did not deliver the ID of the linked variant product
Fixed an error where SC::Complex articles were reloaded with a product even if it did not have the right SC::Channel when using the SC::Channel reader
Fixed an error where SC::Tables could not be opened in newer PHP versions
Fixed an error where some debug log entries were not created in the development mode
Fixed an error where station values of all stations could be selected instead of being limited to the current station
Fixed an error where the columns were not visible in the differential station import
Fixed an error where the CSSecurity changed values when saving a configuration that contained brackets
Fixed an error where the datamap summary button was displayed in the datamap creation
Fixed an error where the format plugin help page was not build properly
Fixed an error where the image cropping CSType could have rounding errors when cropping in a 4:3 ratio
Fixed an error where the loop plugin for CS::Tables did not export table values properly
Fixed an error where the mapped complex articles were not visible in channels of the product
Fixed an error where the option for skipping disabled complex articles skipped all non-disabled products instead
Fixed an error where the PHP format plugin could not be stored
Fixed an error where the SC::Navigator and the format plugin tree were always collapsed
Fixed an error where the SFTP task plugin threw an error when uploading an empty file
Fixed an error where the station value for the fallback currency of the dummy price could throw an error if left empty
Fixed an error where the tree icon was missing after saving a format plugin
Fixed an error where the variant building display did not detect zero as a value
Fixed an error where translations of pane or section titles were not exported when the sort order of these was negative
Generelle AMQP Implementierung
Hilfeseite im Format-Plugin wird nicht mehr angezeigt
Icon für Component overview anpassen
Implemented a display of the station name and ID in the right-click context for jobs
Implemented description texts for all reader types in the datamap
Implemented the possibility to implode or explode values with the array operations format plugin
Improved the design of locked jobs
Jobeditor öffnen aus dem Log heraus, mit den Parametern, mit der der Job gestartet wurde
Klassenfilter für Attribute auch beim Schleifenkontext einbauen
Logeintrag-Framework um Dokumentation erweitern
Reihenfolge der Lognachrichten im Job-Context Dialog stimmt nicht
SAWS beeinflusst die Ladezeiten der CS-Listenansicht
SAWSConnector über “composer.json” installieren
SC::Channel Reader Rechtsklick-Exporte über den Produktbaum durchführen können
Schleifencontext sollte erweitert werden, dass man Sortierattribut angeben
Schleifenkontext in bestimmten Konstellationen unvollständig
Workflow Status wird über getAllSiblings nicht mehr geladen
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.14.0)
3rd party libraries update
AVRO Support Kafka Anbindung
Fixed an error in the backward compatibility where the workflow state filter did not return the same data type as before
Fixed an error where the log entry for skipped products was written twice in the log
ImageServer-URL bei Standard-Bildausleitung wird nicht mehr zurückgegeben
undefined Variable in DataCheckPlugin
Updated the composer library for the GenericJSON Kafka transmitter
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.14.0)
Fixed an error where the XML export was cancelled when exporting very huge amounts of data
- SAWSConnector – Installer (Version 1.14.0)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.0)
3rd party libraries update
Attributwert in Default-StoreView aber Leerwert in untergeordnetem StoreView
Extended Attributsübertragung (Ansicht Icon)
Fixed an error where complex articles were not reloaded into the export when the format plugin was set to language dependent
Fixed an error where the cog wheel color of the transformation list format plugin could have the wrong colour
Fixed an error where the selected Magento backend type did not send its expected value
Fixed an error where variants had to be uniquely maintained even when sending them as simple products
Kategorieassignment auf dem obersten Knoten kann man nicht leer setzen
Kategorieübertragung für Magento Cloud nicht möglich
Laufzeit der Schattenattribute ist extrem hoch – Teilweise Timeout
Multiprocessing über AMQP
Produktbeziehungen können nicht mehr über Un/formatted ausgeleitet werden.
Warnhinweis bei der Einstellung zur Attributssynhronistation hinzufügen
Wechsel zwischen Produkttypen bei existierenden Produkten nicht möglich
Übersetzung der Bundle Option – Title derzeit nicht möglich
Übersetzungen Schattenattribute
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.14.0)
Change Plugin Name for complex article table! Needs your reconfiguration of PIM attribut.
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.0)
Added a manual to the overwrite functionality of associations
Added a message if the user tries to import station values without having station value types installed
Added new logic for the migration of deprecated station values to new ones
Added several error descriptions to the log in case of an error on the Shopware side
Added several error descriptions to the log in case of an error on the Shopware side
Added the possibility to delete all deprecated station values with one click and made many internal improvements to the station value functionality
Added the possibility to search the property rows in the property format plugin
Added the possibility to translate the cmsHeadline and cmsText of categories
Duplicate entry // INSERT INTO `product_configurator_setting`
Fixed an error where a multi-selection could not be resolved into multiple sub-properties
Fixed an error where a sent product would have the same properties as the previously sent product
Fixed an error where product properties could not overwrite themselves when also being used in the variant building
Fixed an error where text fields could not be synchronized as properties in multiple languages
Fixed an error where the album ID could not be added to the media upload
Fixed an error where the category log was created even without the action selected
Fixed an error where the dummy price could only be sent if the CONTENTSERV system uses SC::Prices
Fixed an error where the fallback currency for the dummy price could throw a critical runtime error
Fixed an error where the search field of the property field plugin would color itself yellow
Fixed an error where the station value types did not assign their value type (language, value range, etc.) automatically in the installation
Fixed an error where the translation package could throw an error even though the translations were perfectly created
Fixed an error where the variants could not be built with the new improved variant value requests
Fixed an error where variant properties could not be translated
Implemented a new system allowing the user to decide whether any value shall be sent if it already exists in Shopware
Implemented the compatibility of the connector with the Shopware version
Implemented the possibility to set a custom timeout interval for all Shopware requests
Implemented the possibility to use the value of attribute plugin in combination with “SourceField” or “Source”
Improved the category transfer to automatically skip the parent ID for root categories set in the station
Improved the communication to the user when synchronizing categories
Kategoriesortierung mit afterCategoryId
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.0)
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.29)
Job Start URL über ActiveScript sollte schon die alternative RestartURL nehmen
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.14.9)
CheckPlugin entfernen / Transmitter Übersetzung
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.14.8)
Rsync Transmitter für Intershop
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.23)
Verbinde Werte unterstützt nicht \n (Zeilenumbruch)
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.12)
SimpleExcelImageConnectorFieldPlugin funktioniert mit Barcode CSType nicht
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.17)
Fixed a crash in the update data model in newer Contentserv versions
Fixed a crash in the variant maintenance ActiveScript when using the “Search for children recursively” option
Fixed an error where datamap row backups could not be imported in the attribute or workflow reader
Fixed an error where the job play buttons could disappear when using the same license in multiple systems
Fixed rare cases where the values of a wrong language were exported in language-dependent exports
Fixed SAWS table search in the CS22.5
Fixed the language-dependency of the “multiple values” loop context
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.14)
Fixed attribute sync with language-dependent value range attributes
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.14)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.13)
Fixed a crash in the export when the Magento websites were not downloadet yet
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.13)
[Flex Table Format Plugin] Fixed language dependent export
[Image Crop Attribute] Fixed compatibility with PHP8
[Log Entries] Fixed an error where the log entries could not be cleared by pressing the button in the station list
[Mapping Status] Fixed an error where unsaved Format Plugins were not filtered out
[Station Values] Fixed loss of source value if a value is renamed
[Usages] Fixed the php8 compatibility of the connector usages dialog
Fixed a crash in the attribute export of language-independent attributes
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.15)
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.8)
[php8] Fixed a php8 error in the Excel export
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.11)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.13)
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.10)
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.14.7)
[Logging] Improved error detection in the response
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.14.6)
[Transmitter] Added a log entry if the target file could not be created
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.11)
Deadlock found abfangen
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.14.2)
Cannot access offset of type string on string
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.12)
Neuanlage von Jobs funktioniert nicht
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.9)
[Flex Table Format Plugin] Fixed a performance regression
[Right-Click Job Export] Improved log dialog size and design
[Validation files] Fixed the download button of the validation files in the development editor
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant requested datamap row suggestions twice per click
Implemented a new option to control the quality of the exported image via the Image Cropping Preset
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.14.6)
[Station Data Check] Fixed a PHP 8 error
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.14.5)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.10)
[Error Handling] Improved the detection of some specific errors returned by Magento
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.11)
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.6)
[Local Image Format Plugin] Fixed image export if using a self-sign certificate
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.8)
[CS Tables] Improved the language-dependent export of CS tables to deliver the correct value for every case
Fixed a php8 error where SAWS Prices could not be deleted via the REST API
Fixed an error in the Price Placeholder Attribute Type where it could not load settings from the datamap correctly and implemented the possibility to calculate the value language dependently with $intLanguageID
Fixed an error where only language-dependent value ranges and attributes could be used with the Simple Record Reference Format Plugin
Fixed an error where the Flex Table Format Plugin did not skip itself correctly if no preset was found
Fixed the compatibility of the Format Plugin Copy & Paste feature with Firefox
Improved the compatibility of all connectors with PHP7.0. It is still not recommended to use unsupported PHP versions.
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.8)
Fixed an error where the export crashed when using the Multistore Website Format Plugin without replacement stores
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.10)
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.5)
Fixed an error where the “Discard empty Excel file” option was ignored and the file was always created
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.7)
Fixed a critical error where the SAWSConnector could not be opened in the CS19 and older
Fixed a critical PHP8 error when exporting Contentserv value ranges
Fixed a few php8 errors in the datamap value processing
Fixed a minor error in the communication between format plugins
Fixed a PHP8 error in the variant creation ActiveScript
Fixed an error in the Number Format Plugin where the given number could be altered even if no rounding was selected
Implemented the compatibility of the SC::Channel Restservice with PHP8 and fixed several minor errors regarding the management of SC::Channels
Implemented the search in SAWS Tables with last/next x days and fixed several minor errors in the search
SAWSConnector Housekeeping – Undefined array key “default”
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.14.4)
Jobtype REPLACE/UPDATE im Startscript mitschicken
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.7)
Fixed an error where some rare error responses from Magento were not displayed as an error log entry
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.14.1)
Fixed an error where the database column “DisplayBundle” could not be filled correctly
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.8)
Fixed a critical database error for the blue display of values converted into Shopware UUIDs
Fixed a critical error where the last variant was always used as the main variant instead of the one with isMain set to true
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware Price Format Plugin did not work with “PdmarticleID” as its source value
Fixed a cross selling error caused by the connector on the Shopware side by sending (not yet) existent cross sellings in the relation
Fixed a fatal runtime error in the export if no package size is set in the job settings
Fixed a potentially huge performance regression by fixing the indexing behaviour option in the station
Fixed the php8 compatibility when sending objects without the ID
Implemented an automated format for the media file names to replace whitespaces with underscores because whitespaces are not accepted by Shopware 6 and fixed several PHP8 errors
Implemented the possibility to provide an alternative file name for the media
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.4)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.6)
Fixed the compatibility of Magento Shadow Attributes with the CS21.6 and higher
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.6)
Changed the search for changed products in the delta exports to check all selected date types for the SC::Complex products as well
Established compatibility of the table API (for SC::Prices, SC::Stocks, etc.) with php8
Fixed a critical error where the Merge References Format Plugin could not be configured
Fixed a php8 error in the SCPricePlaceholder CSType
Fixed a php8 error when starting jobs based on CSWorkflow changes
Fixed an error where all channel editor fields were removed when filtering for the additional fields
Fixed an error where on very rare server configuration the Excel target keys could not be stored in the datamap
Fixed an error where placeholders and conditions did not work with attributes in a few format plugins
Fixed an error where saving non-connector restservices could throw an error
Fixed an error where the amount of SC::Stocks was exported as an empty string (“”) if 0 was maintained
Fixed an error where the array operations format plugin could not remove the first layer when using php8
Fixed an error where the backup category was not set when creating a backup in very rare cases
Fixed an error where the confirm button for the complex article mass edit was shown as the cancel button
Fixed an error where the files could not be archived in a ZIP file in the SC::Task Plugins
Fixed an error where the Hashing Format Plugin could throw an error if it was not saved yet
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant suggestion were not displayed and a connection error was shown instead
Fixed an error where the SourceField was not taken as fallback when leaving the Source empty in the Array Creation Format Plugin
Fixed backreferences to be backward compatible even in the CS21.6 and higher
Fixed several errors and inconsistent results in the SC::Channel Search
improved pipeline editor redirects and job selection
Improved the default name when uploading a backup
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.14.5)
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.14.3)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.5)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.6)
Changed the behaviour of the price format plugin to accept 0 as a filled price and not use the dummy price instead. Also the currency of the unfilled price will be used in the dummy price if existent
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware 6 connector could not install itself without having specific options set
Fixed an error where Shopware 5 variant properties were not translated if the format plugin was not set to language dependent
Fixed an error where the missing cross selling log entry was shown as an error
Implemented the possibility to export products with an infinite amount of variants
Implemented the possibility to use custom set UUIDs for products instead of the generated ones
Re-implemented the compatibility of the URL Format Plugin with non-image media such as videos
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.4)
Fixed a few php8 warnings if the user did not update the data model after installing the 1.14
Fixed an error where the incremental export via the FTP task plugin did not work
Fixed an error where the maximize button in the component overview was not working when the name of the component was too long
Fixed an error where the some backups were not filtered to the current connector when opening the import dialog
Fixed an error where the transformation KPI was shown is milliseconds instead of seconds
Fixed an error where unsaved format plugins could be filtered out of the export when setting a mapping status filter
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.4)
Added the possibility to set a fixed package size for product packages when sending them to Shopware
Fixed a critical error where property values of languages other then the default language could move existing properties into a different property group
Fixed an error where the property set of a product could not be changed if it has no property values
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.14.2)
Fixed an error where the exported Excel rows could not be sorted by their value in a column
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.3)
Added a new display of the search for SC::To-Dos in the products to show products where the copied CS Channels have To-Do entries as well
Added a new functionality that refreshes the log if a job is opened
Added new buttons to the SC::Component Editor to be able to open a component in a separate tab
Added the possibility to export every subtype of a Contentserv unit attribute value
Added the possibility to link format plugins in different nodemaps
Added the possibility to open a mass editor dialog in the SC::Table overview
Changed the entire caching logic of all connectors to a new SAWS cache to act independently from Contentserv
Enhanced the search for SC::Job Tags to hide stations where none of its jobs are found
Fixed a critical error where the number format plugin could round numbers unintentionally in newer Contentserv versions
Fixed a php8 error when managing complex SC::Stock entries
Fixed an error where in rare cases the jobs could have the wrong sort order in the right-click context
Fixed an error where SC::Local backups could not be found after the upload & many minor fixes
Fixed an error where table values in intermediate objects could not be loaded
Fixed an error where the attribute “Source” had to be set in placeholders for them to work with the source value where earlier they did not need it
Fixed an error where the formatted value was sent if a value subtype was selected that exists but was empty in the CSValueDetails
Fixed an error where the SC::Image Cropping CSType could create errors if its preset was deleted
Fixed an error where the SCVariantChooserEditorType could not display PIM references correctly
Sprachunabhängiger Schleifenzähler zählt doppelt
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.14.2)
Fixed a few php8 incompatibility errors
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.3)
Added new options to control the “Allow HTML” parameter of attributes via the connector
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.3)
Added Shopware media folder IDs to the station values
Fixed an error where the new media could be sent twice if it was sent in the same job run
Greatly improved the logging in case of missing values in a product
Made minor improvements in the MD5 back logging of Shopware 6 messages
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.2)
Added the possibility to not write a log entry when skipping a product via a condition
Added the possibility to sort arrays by their key values with the array format plugin
Added the possibility to sort values in the multiple values loop plugin
Fixed an error where a mass attribute export delivered empty values if it had the same source attribute as another datamap row
Fixed an error where CSFavorites in CSChannels could not be used with SC::Table searches
Fixed an error where SC::Pricetable entries could not be exported in php8
Fixed an error where some product links in the SC::Table could not be searched with the product label
Fixed an error where the “Continue job” button did not appear in the station overview
Fixed an error where the connector classes could not be loaded in a cluster configuration
Fixed an error where the connector jobs could still be started via the right-click context without all necessary rights set
Fixed an error where the export pipeline icons could not be loaded in some Contentserv systems
Fixed the php8 compatibility of all SAWS Dataflow Plugins
Greatly improved the precision of the general error logging of all connectors
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.2)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.2)
Added a new logging functionality for Shopware 6 that converts the MD5 hashes back to human-readable values
Changed the sending behaviour to not send translation packages if the package of the default language already failed
Changed the variant product transmission to send the variants in different packages
Fixed an error where the translation package could throw an error even though the translations were perfectly created
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.14.1)
Added a manual to the Nextcloud task plugin
Added the possibility to filter products with a CSBookmark in the SC::Channel reader
Established the compatibility of all connectors with the value rework of the CS21.6
Fixed an error where an export could stop when the end-date of it is requested in an SC::Task Plugin
Fixed an error where attributes of SC::Variant Viewer CSType were not exportable via the Several Attribute Format Plugin
Fixed an error where attributes were not correctly loaded into the Switch Case Format Plugin
Fixed an error where TO-DO products that still created errors were not re-entered into the TO-DO list
Fixed multiple compatibility issues of all connectors with php8
Implemented the compatibility of the SC::Active Scripts with the value rework of the CS21.6
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.14.1)
Fixed an error where the tutorial link in the target key builder 404ed
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.14.1)
Fixed an error where the Magento values could not be synchronized back into the categories
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.14.1)
Added a new check mechanism to the SC::Channel reader to check the change date of variant products of the variant head
Fixed an error in the category translation to be left untouched if not maintained in the datamap
Fixed an error where station values could not be imported if station value type configurations were left empty
Fixed an error where the variants could not create todo list entries