Owl Cloud Services
Base Connector
- Beginner's Guide
- SAWSConnector settings
- Overview
- Station configuration
- Datamaps
- Importing templates
- Setting conditions
- Job related tasks
- Job filter function
- How to create backups
- Running and Monitoring Jobs
- Start jobs automatically
- Import/Export & copy of data map rows
- Synchronizing references that are not contained in views
- Get the preconfigured "Source data set - Template"
- Configuring categories and products
- Fill Bundle and Variant tables from children
- Create View tree automatically
- Configuring the price & stock modules
- Configuring the price/stock value ranges
- Configuring volume discounts/scale prices
- How to export prices
- How to export stock values from certain storage units
- Use of Contentserv Credentials
- Connector & Station User Limitation
- Show all articles ( 10 ) Collapse Articles
- Working with placeholder in conditions
- Improve usability of SC::Tables
- Placeholder for SC::Price, SC::Channel, SC::Stock
- REST Service API for SAWS Tables (Prices, Stock, Channels & Complex Articles)
- Dataflow import of SC::Tables
- Dataflow export of SC::Tables
- The datamap summary - Creating an automated documentation
- Export images as a ZIP file
- Image export with direct access to the CONTENTSERV platform
- Image export with no access to the CONTENTSERV platform
- Image export from a third party system
- How to configure CS Dashboard
- Setup a transformation list for CSTypes
- Transfer final result files to remote server by using FTP, sFTP, WebDAV or Azure Blob Storage
- Export Smart Document via Active Script and assign output to product
- Format Macros
- Controlling Connector Jobs via the REST API
- Sales Channel Maintenance via Excel Cross-Reference
- Show all articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop value for simple data record
GenericJSON / DynamicJSON Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
GenericXML Connector
- All Tutorials for creating XMLs
- SAWSConnector settings
- Station configuration
- Example station configuration
- Source data set configuration
- Example source data set mappings for the XML export
- Job configuration
- Simple XML Tags
- Images
- References
- SC::Prices
- SC::Stock
- SC::Channel
- Specials
- BMECat 1.2 Template
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
SimpleExcel Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Magento Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Shopware 5 Connector
- Configuration Shopware
- Configuration PIM
- Shopware attribute setting
- Configuration SAWSConnector
- Station configuration
- Source data set configuration
- Configuring categories and products
- Price table configuration for Shopware
- Result in Shopware
- Subshops and the SAWSConnector Shopware
- ean
- Custom Fields (attribute)
- highlight
- purchaseSteps
- stockMin
- supplierNumber
- notification
- shippingFree
- length
- height
- width
- weight
- shippingTime
- metaKeywords
- Show all articles ( 9 ) Collapse Articles
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Shopware 6 Connector
- Tutorial Video
- First steps
- Import Shopware settings
- Export categories
- Export media files
- Export simple products
- Export multiple languages
- Export variant products
- Export product properties
- Export custom fields
- Export product cross-selling relationships
- Export prices
- Export stocks
- Export into any other Shopware field
- How to address multiple Shopware 6 websites
- How to address different Shopware 6 Sale-Channels from one Contentserv System
- Useful Links
- Sales Channel Maintenance via Excel Cross-Reference
- Show all articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
OXID Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Typo3 Connector
- Send value of a PIM reference
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Send value of a Channel (view) reference
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Send value of a MAM reference
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Send value of an attribute reference
- Send value of a user reference
- Loop values for user references
- Send value of a reference (deprecated)
- Loop values for several attributes simultaneously
- Loop values for child elements
- Loop values for CS PIM references
- Loop values for CS Channel (Views) references
- Loop values for CS MAM references
- Loop values for user references
- Loop values for SC::Prices
- Loop values for SC::Stocktable entries
- Loop values for SC::Complex products
- Loop values for a CS table
- Loop values for CS type reference
- Loop value for simple data record
Other Connectors
Version 1.15
SVN paths for this version:
Base connector (always required):
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.15.4)
[Flex Table Format Plugin] Fixed language dependent export
[Image Crop Attribute] Fixed compatibility with PHP8
[Log Entries] Fixed an error where the log entries could not be cleared by pressing the button in the station list
[Mapping Status] Fixed an error where unsaved Format Plugins were not filtered out
[Station Values] Fixed loss of source value if a value is renamed
[Usages] Fixed the php8 compatibility of the connector usages dialog
Fixed a crash in the attribute export of language-independent attributes
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.15.4)
[Languages] Fixed the language filter in the job to always select the default language as well
[Media Request] Made the limit changeable in the options
[Shopware Measure Fields] Implemented automatic float cast for the specification fields
Fixed a crash when using the new product nodemap condition
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.15.2)
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.15.2)
[Datamap] Doubled the speed of opening the datamap
[Housekeeping] Fixed too early cleanup of cache files
[Jobs in OpenSearch] Fixed a fatal error caused by the SAWS features in the OpenSearch
[Minor Bugs] Fixed several minor issues throughout all connectors
[Product Links] Fixed product links in Contentserv when the connector is installed
[Sales Channel Reader] Removed the workflow filter editor fields when exporting products
[Sales Channels] Fixed a rare database error in the export
[SAWS Table Search] Fixed a database error when searching date time columns
[Wizard] Added a explicit save button for every step
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.15.2)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.15.2)
[Automated Property Translation] Added translation of existing properties and setting in the station to control it
[Nodemap Condition] Improved editor field descriptions
[Property Creation] Fixed an out of memory error when the selected product tree was too huge
[Shopware 5][Category Translation] Fixed category translation for more than two languages
[Shopware Login] Improved shown details in case of connection errors with Shopware
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.15.1)
[CS Tables] Improved the language-dependent export of CS tables to deliver the correct value for every case
[Datamap Design] Removed left editor cell for all connectors
[Datamap Editor] Added memory limit and data usage option in the wizard
[Format Plugin Editor] Fixed display of wiki entry
[Job Center] Fixed the job filter in case of special characters
[PHP Compatibility] Fixed compatibility with PHP 7.3 and older
[Right-Click Job Export] Improved log dialog size and design
[SAWS Table Data Flow Import] Added an option to import into user defined columns and determine the columns by which the entries shall be updated / deleted
[SAWS Tables] Price-, stock quantities and channel tables are not any longer automatically added into the data model
[SAWSConnector Dashboard App] Fixed a crash
[Validation files] Fixed the download button of the validation files in the development editor
[Wizard Links] Fixed a crash where the wizard link cannot be found
[Wizard UX] Changed job onclick in the navigator to the pre-filtered job center
[Wizard] Fixed many minor bugs and compatibility issues
Added new buttons to the SC::Component Editor to be able to open a component in a separate tab
Anzeige von bestimmten SC::Channel in der Liste
Changed the search for changed products in the delta exports to check all selected date types for the SC::Complex products as well
Einstellung im Job “Bilder forciert exportieren”
Established compatibility of the table API (for SC::Prices, SC::Stocks, etc.) with php8
Fehler bei Job-bezogener Aufgabe “Eine Email verschicken”
Fixed a critical error where the Merge References Format Plugin could not be configured
Fixed a critical error where the SAWSConnector could not be opened in the CS19 and older
Fixed a critical PHP8 error when exporting Contentserv value ranges
Fixed a few php8 errors in the datamap value processing
Fixed a few php8 warnings if the user did not update the data model after installing the 1.14
Fixed a php8 error in the SCPricePlaceholder CSType
Fixed a PHP8 error in the variant creation ActiveScript
Fixed a php8 error where SAWS Prices could not be deleted via the REST API
Fixed an error in the Number Format Plugin where the given number could be altered even if no rounding was selected
Fixed an error in the Price Placeholder Attribute Type where it could not load settings from the datamap correctly and implemented the possibility to calculate the value language dependently with $intLanguageID
Fixed an error where all channel editor fields were removed when filtering for the additional fields
Fixed an error where on very rare server configuration the Excel target keys could not be stored in the datamap
Fixed an error where only language-dependent value ranges and attributes could be used with the Simple Record Reference Format Plugin
Fixed an error where placeholders and conditions did not work with attributes in a few format plugins
Fixed an error where saving non-connector restservices could throw an error
Fixed an error where table values in intermediate objects could not be loaded
Fixed an error where the amount of SC::Stocks was exported as an empty string (“”) if 0 was maintained
Fixed an error where the backup category was not set when creating a backup in very rare cases
Fixed an error where the confirm button for the complex article mass edit was shown as the cancel button
Fixed an error where the files could not be archived in a ZIP file in the SC::Task Plugins
Fixed an error where the Hashing Format Plugin could throw an error if it was not saved yet
Fixed an error where the incremental export via the FTP task plugin did not work
Fixed an error where the maximize button in the component overview was not working when the name of the component was too long
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant requested datamap row suggestions twice per click
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant suggestion were not displayed and a connection error was shown instead
Fixed an error where the some backups were not filtered to the current connector when opening the import dialog
Fixed an error where the SourceField was not taken as fallback when leaving the Source empty in the Array Creation Format Plugin
Fixed an error where the transformation KPI was shown is milliseconds instead of seconds
Fixed an error where unsaved format plugins could be filtered out of the export when setting a mapping status filter
Fixed backreferences to be backward compatible even in the CS21.6 and higher
Fixed several errors and inconsistent results in the SC::Channel Search
Fixed the compatibility of the Format Plugin Copy & Paste feature with Firefox
Implemented the compatibility of the SC::Channel Restservice with PHP8 and fixed several minor errors regarding the management of SC::Channels
Implemented the search in SAWS Tables with last/next x days and fixed several minor errors in the search
improved pipeline editor redirects and job selection
Improved the compatibility of all connectors with PHP7.0. It is still not recommended to use unsupported PHP versions.
Improved the default name when uploading a backup
Log-Fehleranalyse erleichtern – Letzter/Nächster Fehler
Lokale Backups werden nicht mehr beim Einspielen angezeigt
Opensearch Button funktioniert nicht mehr
Optimierung Job starten Layout
Refresh-Button für den Field Plugin Tree & mehr Refresh Events
SAWSConnector Housekeeping – Undefined array key “default”
Sprachunabhängiger Schleifenzähler zählt doppelt
Wizard darf nicht von OWL abhängig sein
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.15.1)
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.15.1)
- SAWSConnector – Installer (Version 1.15.1)
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.15.1)
[Job Run] Fixed a crash in the job run in some Contentserv installations
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.15.1)
[Error Handling] Improved the detection of some specific errors returned by Magento
Deadlock found abfangen
Fixed an error where some rare error responses from Magento were not displayed as an error log entry
Fixed an error where the export crashed when using the Multistore Website Format Plugin without replacement stores
Fixed the compatibility of Magento Shadow Attributes with the CS21.6 and higher
Fixed the php8 compatibility of the Magento information that is stored in Contentserv
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.15.1)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.15.1)
[CS Values] Fixed a crash when loading Shopware checkboxes in the export
[Media upload] Fixed an error where the connector crashed in case of 0 byte images
[Shopware 6 Log] Fixed unreadable database responses from Shopware
[Station Values] Added an error message if one source value is mapped to two target values
Added Shopware media folder IDs to the station values
Added the possibility to set a fixed package size for product packages when sending them to Shopware
Changed the behaviour of the price format plugin to accept 0 as a filled price and not use the dummy price instead. Also the currency of the unfilled price will be used in the dummy price if existent
Changed the variant product transmission to send the variants in different packages
Fixed a critical database error for the blue display of values converted into Shopware UUIDs
Fixed a critical error where property values of languages other then the default language could move existing properties into a different property group
Fixed a critical error where the last variant was always used as the main variant instead of the one with isMain set to true
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware 6 connector could not install itself without having specific options set
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware Price Format Plugin did not work with “PdmarticleID” as its source value
Fixed a cross selling error caused by the connector on the Shopware side by sending (not yet) existent cross sellings in the relation
Fixed a fatal runtime error in the export if no package size is set in the job settings
Fixed a potentially huge performance regression by fixing the indexing behaviour option in the station
Fixed an error where Shopware 5 variant properties were not translated if the format plugin was not set to language dependent
Fixed an error where the index behavior setting in the station was ignored and always the default indexing behavior was used
Fixed an error where the missing cross selling log entry was shown as an error
Fixed an error where the new media could be sent twice if it was sent in the same job run
Fixed an error where the property set of a product could not be changed if it has no property values
Fixed the php8 compatibility when sending objects without the ID
Implemented an automated format for the media file names to replace whitespaces with underscores because whitespaces are not accepted by Shopware 6 and fixed several PHP8 errors
Implemented the possibility to export products with an infinite amount of variants
Implemented the possibility to provide an alternative file name for the media
Implemented the possibility to use custom set UUIDs for products instead of the generated ones
Implemented the support for videos (only mp4 files)
Neuanlage von Jobs funktioniert nicht
Re-implemented the compatibility of the URL Format Plugin with non-image media such as videos
Removed the option to set an alternative file name because it was incompatible with Shopware 5
SC::Channel Reader: Nachgeladene Produkte nach Channel Status filtern können
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.15.1)
Fixed an error where the “Discard empty Excel file” option was ignored and the file was always created
Fixed an error where the Excel cell format did not work in the Switch Case Format Plugin
Fixed an error where the exported Excel rows could not be sorted by their value in a column
Fixed the php8 compatibility of the AI datamap auto-complete in case the AI did not find any suitable match
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.15.0)
[CS Tables] Improved the language-dependent export of CS tables to deliver the correct value for every case
[Right-Click Job Export] Improved log dialog size and design
[Validation files] Fixed the download button of the validation files in the development editor
Added a new display of the search for SC::To-Dos in the products to show products where the copied CS Channels have To-Do entries as well
Added a new functionality that refreshes the log if a job is opened
Added new buttons to the SC::Component Editor to be able to open a component in a separate tab
Anzeige von bestimmten SC::Channel in der Liste
Changed the search for changed products in the delta exports to check all selected date types for the SC::Complex products as well
Einstellung im Job “Bilder forciert exportieren”
Enhanced the search for SC::Job Tags to hide stations where none of its jobs are found
Established compatibility of the table API (for SC::Prices, SC::Stocks, etc.) with php8
Fixed a critical error where the Merge References Format Plugin could not be configured
Fixed a critical error where the SAWSConnector could not be opened in the CS19 and older
Fixed a critical PHP8 error when exporting Contentserv value ranges
Fixed a few php8 errors in the datamap value processing
Fixed a few php8 warnings if the user did not update the data model after installing the 1.14
Fixed a php8 error in the SCPricePlaceholder CSType
Fixed a PHP8 error in the variant creation ActiveScript
Fixed a php8 error when managing complex SC::Stock entries
Fixed a php8 error where SAWS Prices could not be deleted via the REST API
Fixed an error in the Number Format Plugin where the given number could be altered even if no rounding was selected
Fixed an error in the Price Placeholder Attribute Type where it could not load settings from the datamap correctly and implemented the possibility to calculate the value language dependently with $intLanguageID
Fixed an error where all channel editor fields were removed when filtering for the additional fields
Fixed an error where in rare cases the jobs could have the wrong sort order in the right-click context
Fixed an error where on very rare server configuration the Excel target keys could not be stored in the datamap
Fixed an error where only language-dependent value ranges and attributes could be used with the Simple Record Reference Format Plugin
Fixed an error where placeholders and conditions did not work with attributes in a few format plugins
Fixed an error where saving non-connector restservices could throw an error
Fixed an error where table values in intermediate objects could not be loaded
Fixed an error where the amount of SC::Stocks was exported as an empty string (“”) if 0 was maintained
Fixed an error where the backup category was not set when creating a backup in very rare cases
Fixed an error where the confirm button for the complex article mass edit was shown as the cancel button
Fixed an error where the files could not be archived in a ZIP file in the SC::Task Plugins
Fixed an error where the formatted value was sent if a value subtype was selected that exists but was empty in the CSValueDetails
Fixed an error where the Hashing Format Plugin could throw an error if it was not saved yet
Fixed an error where the incremental export via the FTP task plugin did not work
Fixed an error where the maximize button in the component overview was not working when the name of the component was too long
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant requested datamap row suggestions twice per click
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant suggestion were not displayed and a connection error was shown instead
Fixed an error where the some backups were not filtered to the current connector when opening the import dialog
Fixed an error where the SourceField was not taken as fallback when leaving the Source empty in the Array Creation Format Plugin
Fixed an error where the transformation KPI was shown is milliseconds instead of seconds
Fixed an error where unsaved format plugins could be filtered out of the export when setting a mapping status filter
Fixed backreferences to be backward compatible even in the CS21.6 and higher
Fixed several errors and inconsistent results in the SC::Channel Search
Fixed the compatibility of the Format Plugin Copy & Paste feature with Firefox
Implemented the compatibility of the SC::Channel Restservice with PHP8 and fixed several minor errors regarding the management of SC::Channels
Implemented the search in SAWS Tables with last/next x days and fixed several minor errors in the search
improved pipeline editor redirects and job selection
Improved the compatibility of all connectors with PHP7.0. It is still not recommended to use unsupported PHP versions.
Improved the default name when uploading a backup
Log-Fehleranalyse erleichtern – Letzter/Nächster Fehler
Refresh-Button für den Field Plugin Tree & mehr Refresh Events
SAWSConnector Housekeeping – Undefined array key “default”
Sprachunabhängiger Schleifenzähler zählt doppelt
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – Installer (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.15.0)
[Error Handling] Improved the detection of some specific errors returned by Magento
Fixed an error where some rare error responses from Magento were not displayed as an error log entry
Fixed an error where the export crashed when using the Multistore Website Format Plugin without replacement stores
Fixed the compatibility of Magento Shadow Attributes with the CS21.6 and higher
Fixed the php8 compatibility of the Magento information that is stored in Contentserv
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.15.0)
[CS Values] Fixed a crash when loading Shopware checkboxes in the export
[Media upload] Fixed an error where the connector crashed in case of 0 byte images
[Station Values] Added an error message if one source value is mapped to two target values
Added Shopware media folder IDs to the station values
Added the possibility to set a fixed package size for product packages when sending them to Shopware
Changed the behaviour of the price format plugin to accept 0 as a filled price and not use the dummy price instead. Also the currency of the unfilled price will be used in the dummy price if existent
Changed the variant product transmission to send the variants in different packages
Fixed a critical database error for the blue display of values converted into Shopware UUIDs
Fixed a critical error where property values of languages other then the default language could move existing properties into a different property group
Fixed a critical error where the last variant was always used as the main variant instead of the one with isMain set to true
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware 6 connector could not install itself without having specific options set
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware Price Format Plugin did not work with “PdmarticleID” as its source value
Fixed a cross selling error caused by the connector on the Shopware side by sending (not yet) existent cross sellings in the relation
Fixed a fatal runtime error in the export if no package size is set in the job settings
Fixed a potentially huge performance regression by fixing the indexing behaviour option in the station
Fixed an error where Shopware 5 variant properties were not translated if the format plugin was not set to language dependent
Fixed an error where the index behavior setting in the station was ignored and always the default indexing behavior was used
Fixed an error where the missing cross selling log entry was shown as an error
Fixed an error where the new media could be sent twice if it was sent in the same job run
Fixed an error where the property set of a product could not be changed if it has no property values
Fixed the php8 compatibility when sending objects without the ID
Implemented an automated format for the media file names to replace whitespaces with underscores because whitespaces are not accepted by Shopware 6 and fixed several PHP8 errors
Implemented the possibility to export products with an infinite amount of variants
Implemented the possibility to provide an alternative file name for the media
Implemented the possibility to use custom set UUIDs for products instead of the generated ones
Implemented the support for videos (only mp4 files)
Re-implemented the compatibility of the URL Format Plugin with non-image media such as videos
Removed the option to set an alternative file name because it was incompatible with Shopware 5
SC::Channel Reader: Nachgeladene Produkte nach Channel Status filtern können
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.15.0)
Fixed an error where the “Discard empty Excel file” option was ignored and the file was always created
Fixed an error where the Excel cell format did not work in the Switch Case Format Plugin
Fixed an error where the exported Excel rows could not be sorted by their value in a column
Fixed the php8 compatibility of the AI datamap auto-complete in case the AI did not find any suitable match
- SAWSConnector – Basic (Version 1.15.0)
[CS Tables] Improved the language-dependent export of CS tables to deliver the correct value for every case
[Right-Click Job Export] Improved log dialog size and design
[Validation files] Fixed the download button of the validation files in the development editor
Added a new display of the search for SC::To-Dos in the products to show products where the copied CS Channels have To-Do entries as well
Added a new functionality that refreshes the log if a job is opened
Added new buttons to the SC::Component Editor to be able to open a component in a separate tab
Anzeige von bestimmten SC::Channel in der Liste
Changed the search for changed products in the delta exports to check all selected date types for the SC::Complex products as well
Einstellung im Job “Bilder forciert exportieren”
Enhanced the search for SC::Job Tags to hide stations where none of its jobs are found
Established compatibility of the table API (for SC::Prices, SC::Stocks, etc.) with php8
Fixed a critical error where the Merge References Format Plugin could not be configured
Fixed a critical error where the SAWSConnector could not be opened in the CS19 and older
Fixed a critical PHP8 error when exporting Contentserv value ranges
Fixed a few php8 errors in the datamap value processing
Fixed a few php8 warnings if the user did not update the data model after installing the 1.14
Fixed a php8 error in the SCPricePlaceholder CSType
Fixed a PHP8 error in the variant creation ActiveScript
Fixed a php8 error when managing complex SC::Stock entries
Fixed a php8 error where SAWS Prices could not be deleted via the REST API
Fixed an error in the Number Format Plugin where the given number could be altered even if no rounding was selected
Fixed an error in the Price Placeholder Attribute Type where it could not load settings from the datamap correctly and implemented the possibility to calculate the value language dependently with $intLanguageID
Fixed an error where all channel editor fields were removed when filtering for the additional fields
Fixed an error where in rare cases the jobs could have the wrong sort order in the right-click context
Fixed an error where on very rare server configuration the Excel target keys could not be stored in the datamap
Fixed an error where only language-dependent value ranges and attributes could be used with the Simple Record Reference Format Plugin
Fixed an error where placeholders and conditions did not work with attributes in a few format plugins
Fixed an error where saving non-connector restservices could throw an error
Fixed an error where table values in intermediate objects could not be loaded
Fixed an error where the amount of SC::Stocks was exported as an empty string (“”) if 0 was maintained
Fixed an error where the backup category was not set when creating a backup in very rare cases
Fixed an error where the confirm button for the complex article mass edit was shown as the cancel button
Fixed an error where the files could not be archived in a ZIP file in the SC::Task Plugins
Fixed an error where the formatted value was sent if a value subtype was selected that exists but was empty in the CSValueDetails
Fixed an error where the Hashing Format Plugin could throw an error if it was not saved yet
Fixed an error where the incremental export via the FTP task plugin did not work
Fixed an error where the maximize button in the component overview was not working when the name of the component was too long
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant requested datamap row suggestions twice per click
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant suggestion were not displayed and a connection error was shown instead
Fixed an error where the some backups were not filtered to the current connector when opening the import dialog
Fixed an error where the SourceField was not taken as fallback when leaving the Source empty in the Array Creation Format Plugin
Fixed an error where the transformation KPI was shown is milliseconds instead of seconds
Fixed an error where unsaved format plugins could be filtered out of the export when setting a mapping status filter
Fixed backreferences to be backward compatible even in the CS21.6 and higher
Fixed several errors and inconsistent results in the SC::Channel Search
Fixed the compatibility of the Format Plugin Copy & Paste feature with Firefox
Implemented the compatibility of the SC::Channel Restservice with PHP8 and fixed several minor errors regarding the management of SC::Channels
Implemented the search in SAWS Tables with last/next x days and fixed several minor errors in the search
improved pipeline editor redirects and job selection
Improved the compatibility of all connectors with PHP7.0. It is still not recommended to use unsupported PHP versions.
Improved the default name when uploading a backup
Log-Fehleranalyse erleichtern – Letzter/Nächster Fehler
Refresh-Button für den Field Plugin Tree & mehr Refresh Events
SAWSConnector Housekeeping – Undefined array key “default”
Sprachunabhängiger Schleifenzähler zählt doppelt
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – Installer (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – Intershop (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – Magento (Version 1.15.0)
[Error Handling] Improved the detection of some specific errors returned by Magento
Fixed an error where some rare error responses from Magento were not displayed as an error log entry
Fixed an error where the export crashed when using the Multistore Website Format Plugin without replacement stores
Fixed the compatibility of Magento Shadow Attributes with the CS21.6 and higher
Fixed the php8 compatibility of the Magento information that is stored in Contentserv
- SAWSConnector – Oxid (Version 1.15.0)
- SAWSConnector – Shopware (Version 1.15.0)
[CS Values] Fixed a crash when loading Shopware checkboxes in the export
[Media upload] Fixed an error where the connector crashed in case of 0 byte images
[Station Values] Added an error message if one source value is mapped to two target values
Added Shopware media folder IDs to the station values
Added the possibility to set a fixed package size for product packages when sending them to Shopware
Changed the behaviour of the price format plugin to accept 0 as a filled price and not use the dummy price instead. Also the currency of the unfilled price will be used in the dummy price if existent
Changed the variant product transmission to send the variants in different packages
Fixed a critical database error for the blue display of values converted into Shopware UUIDs
Fixed a critical error where property values of languages other then the default language could move existing properties into a different property group
Fixed a critical error where the last variant was always used as the main variant instead of the one with isMain set to true
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware 6 connector could not install itself without having specific options set
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware Price Format Plugin did not work with “PdmarticleID” as its source value
Fixed a cross selling error caused by the connector on the Shopware side by sending (not yet) existent cross sellings in the relation
Fixed a fatal runtime error in the export if no package size is set in the job settings
Fixed a potentially huge performance regression by fixing the indexing behaviour option in the station
Fixed an error where Shopware 5 variant properties were not translated if the format plugin was not set to language dependent
Fixed an error where the index behavior setting in the station was ignored and always the default indexing behavior was used
Fixed an error where the missing cross selling log entry was shown as an error
Fixed an error where the new media could be sent twice if it was sent in the same job run
Fixed an error where the property set of a product could not be changed if it has no property values
Fixed the php8 compatibility when sending objects without the ID
Implemented an automated format for the media file names to replace whitespaces with underscores because whitespaces are not accepted by Shopware 6 and fixed several PHP8 errors
Implemented the possibility to export products with an infinite amount of variants
Implemented the possibility to provide an alternative file name for the media
Implemented the possibility to use custom set UUIDs for products instead of the generated ones
Implemented the support for videos (only mp4 files)
Re-implemented the compatibility of the URL Format Plugin with non-image media such as videos
Removed the option to set an alternative file name because it was incompatible with Shopware 5
SC::Channel Reader: Nachgeladene Produkte nach Channel Status filtern können
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel (Version 1.15.0)
Fixed an error where the “Discard empty Excel file” option was ignored and the file was always created
Fixed an error where the Excel cell format did not work in the Switch Case Format Plugin
Fixed an error where the exported Excel rows could not be sorted by their value in a column
Fixed the php8 compatibility of the AI datamap auto-complete in case the AI did not find any suitable match
- SAWSConnector – Basic ()
[CS Tables] Improved the language-dependent export of CS tables to deliver the correct value for every case
[Right-Click Job Export] Improved log dialog size and design
[Validation files] Fixed the download button of the validation files in the development editor
Added a new display of the search for SC::To-Dos in the products to show products where the copied CS Channels have To-Do entries as well
Added a new functionality that refreshes the log if a job is opened
Added new buttons to the SC::Component Editor to be able to open a component in a separate tab
Anzeige von bestimmten SC::Channel in der Liste
Changed the search for changed products in the delta exports to check all selected date types for the SC::Complex products as well
Einstellung im Job “Bilder forciert exportieren”
Enhanced the search for SC::Job Tags to hide stations where none of its jobs are found
Established compatibility of the table API (for SC::Prices, SC::Stocks, etc.) with php8
Fixed a critical error where the Merge References Format Plugin could not be configured
Fixed a critical error where the SAWSConnector could not be opened in the CS19 and older
Fixed a critical PHP8 error when exporting Contentserv value ranges
Fixed a few php8 errors in the datamap value processing
Fixed a few php8 warnings if the user did not update the data model after installing the 1.14
Fixed a php8 error in the SCPricePlaceholder CSType
Fixed a PHP8 error in the variant creation ActiveScript
Fixed a php8 error when managing complex SC::Stock entries
Fixed a php8 error where SAWS Prices could not be deleted via the REST API
Fixed an error in the Number Format Plugin where the given number could be altered even if no rounding was selected
Fixed an error in the Price Placeholder Attribute Type where it could not load settings from the datamap correctly and implemented the possibility to calculate the value language dependently with $intLanguageID
Fixed an error where all channel editor fields were removed when filtering for the additional fields
Fixed an error where in rare cases the jobs could have the wrong sort order in the right-click context
Fixed an error where on very rare server configuration the Excel target keys could not be stored in the datamap
Fixed an error where only language-dependent value ranges and attributes could be used with the Simple Record Reference Format Plugin
Fixed an error where placeholders and conditions did not work with attributes in a few format plugins
Fixed an error where saving non-connector restservices could throw an error
Fixed an error where table values in intermediate objects could not be loaded
Fixed an error where the amount of SC::Stocks was exported as an empty string (“”) if 0 was maintained
Fixed an error where the backup category was not set when creating a backup in very rare cases
Fixed an error where the confirm button for the complex article mass edit was shown as the cancel button
Fixed an error where the files could not be archived in a ZIP file in the SC::Task Plugins
Fixed an error where the formatted value was sent if a value subtype was selected that exists but was empty in the CSValueDetails
Fixed an error where the Hashing Format Plugin could throw an error if it was not saved yet
Fixed an error where the incremental export via the FTP task plugin did not work
Fixed an error where the maximize button in the component overview was not working when the name of the component was too long
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant requested datamap row suggestions twice per click
Fixed an error where the Owl assistant suggestion were not displayed and a connection error was shown instead
Fixed an error where the some backups were not filtered to the current connector when opening the import dialog
Fixed an error where the SourceField was not taken as fallback when leaving the Source empty in the Array Creation Format Plugin
Fixed an error where the transformation KPI was shown is milliseconds instead of seconds
Fixed an error where unsaved format plugins could be filtered out of the export when setting a mapping status filter
Fixed backreferences to be backward compatible even in the CS21.6 and higher
Fixed several errors and inconsistent results in the SC::Channel Search
Fixed the compatibility of the Format Plugin Copy & Paste feature with Firefox
Implemented the compatibility of the SC::Channel Restservice with PHP8 and fixed several minor errors regarding the management of SC::Channels
Implemented the search in SAWS Tables with last/next x days and fixed several minor errors in the search
improved pipeline editor redirects and job selection
Improved the compatibility of all connectors with PHP7.0. It is still not recommended to use unsupported PHP versions.
Improved the default name when uploading a backup
Log-Fehleranalyse erleichtern – Letzter/Nächster Fehler
Refresh-Button für den Field Plugin Tree & mehr Refresh Events
SAWSConnector Housekeeping – Undefined array key “default”
Sprachunabhängiger Schleifenzähler zählt doppelt
- SAWSConnector – GenericJSON ()
- SAWSConnector – GenericXML ()
- SAWSConnector – Installer ()
- SAWSConnector – Intershop ()
- SAWSConnector – Magento ()
[Error Handling] Improved the detection of some specific errors returned by Magento
Fixed an error where some rare error responses from Magento were not displayed as an error log entry
Fixed an error where the export crashed when using the Multistore Website Format Plugin without replacement stores
Fixed the compatibility of Magento Shadow Attributes with the CS21.6 and higher
Fixed the php8 compatibility of the Magento information that is stored in Contentserv
- SAWSConnector – Oxid ()
- SAWSConnector – Shopware ()
[CS Values] Fixed a crash when loading Shopware checkboxes in the export
[Media upload] Fixed an error where the connector crashed in case of 0 byte images
[Station Values] Added an error message if one source value is mapped to two target values
Added Shopware media folder IDs to the station values
Added the possibility to set a fixed package size for product packages when sending them to Shopware
Changed the behaviour of the price format plugin to accept 0 as a filled price and not use the dummy price instead. Also the currency of the unfilled price will be used in the dummy price if existent
Changed the variant product transmission to send the variants in different packages
Fixed a critical database error for the blue display of values converted into Shopware UUIDs
Fixed a critical error where property values of languages other then the default language could move existing properties into a different property group
Fixed a critical error where the last variant was always used as the main variant instead of the one with isMain set to true
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware 6 connector could not install itself without having specific options set
Fixed a critical error where the Shopware Price Format Plugin did not work with “PdmarticleID” as its source value
Fixed a cross selling error caused by the connector on the Shopware side by sending (not yet) existent cross sellings in the relation
Fixed a fatal runtime error in the export if no package size is set in the job settings
Fixed a potentially huge performance regression by fixing the indexing behaviour option in the station
Fixed an error where Shopware 5 variant properties were not translated if the format plugin was not set to language dependent
Fixed an error where the index behavior setting in the station was ignored and always the default indexing behavior was used
Fixed an error where the missing cross selling log entry was shown as an error
Fixed an error where the new media could be sent twice if it was sent in the same job run
Fixed an error where the property set of a product could not be changed if it has no property values
Fixed the php8 compatibility when sending objects without the ID
Implemented an automated format for the media file names to replace whitespaces with underscores because whitespaces are not accepted by Shopware 6 and fixed several PHP8 errors
Implemented the possibility to export products with an infinite amount of variants
Implemented the possibility to provide an alternative file name for the media
Implemented the possibility to use custom set UUIDs for products instead of the generated ones
Implemented the support for videos (only mp4 files)
Re-implemented the compatibility of the URL Format Plugin with non-image media such as videos
Removed the option to set an alternative file name because it was incompatible with Shopware 5
SC::Channel Reader: Nachgeladene Produkte nach Channel Status filtern können
- SAWSConnector – SimpleExcel ()
Fixed an error where the “Discard empty Excel file” option was ignored and the file was always created
Fixed an error where the Excel cell format did not work in the Switch Case Format Plugin
Fixed an error where the exported Excel rows could not be sorted by their value in a column
Fixed the php8 compatibility of the AI datamap auto-complete in case the AI did not find any suitable match