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After creating and configuring our datamap, we need to actually export something.
This is done through our job-system.


A job controls when and which parts of your CS-system are exported.
You could compare a job to a train schedule, which determines when trains will leave with what cargo.
Or in simpler terms:

  • Station = Where to shall it be exported?
  • Job = What and when shall be exported?
  • Datamap = How shall it be exported?


Create a new job inside the component overview.

Let’s take a look at the job-editor:

Duplicate Job

Just like stations and datamaps, you can duplicate jobs.

Run Job

This button will start the job, which will load and format data using your selected datamap and hand it to the station for transmission to your configured endpoint.

Run Job In Debug Mode

Click here to run this job in debug mode. This will create additional log entries which should help to retrace any errors in your configuration.

Open Development Editor

You can also run a job using the development editor.
In the development editor you have access to your configurations of the datamap, job and station.
You get a log display of the executed job as well as the raw output.
From here, you can also access to the SAWS-Connector debugger, our most advanced tool for export analysis yet.
The development editor as well as the debugger are covered in separate tutorials.

Edit Datamap

Use this button to quickly jump to the editor for the configured datamap.

Edit Station

Use this button to quickly jump to the editor of the station, the job is located in.

Import / Export

As always, you can create a backup of your configuration. This backup only includes the job options without the datamap or station.


Label Description
Name This is the name of the job. A descriptive name can help you remember what each job does.
Active You can block a job using this option.
Visible in context menu or mass editing When enabled, you can export objects in your PIM / MAM using a right-click or in the list editor.
This can be useful, if you want your PIM-maintainers to be able to export changes without giving them access to the SAWS-Connector.
Key This is the external key of the ContentServ record. It’s used to identify and start the job internally.
Job tags You can select tags here, which you can search for in the station overview.
You can add new tags in the “SAWSConnectorTags” value list
Call URL Calling this URL will start the job.
SortOrder Use this option to order your jobs in the component and station overview.
Job param You can add parameters, which are accessible inside your mapping table using a format plugin.
This way you can add your own options to a job. You can use this value with placeholders and conditions.

Data Source

Label Description
Datamap Select the datamap you want the job to use here.
Root Node If you’re exporting ContentServ-items (products, views, mamfiles), you can select what parts of your PIM / MAM to export here.
Depending on your reader, this option might not be available.
Synchronization methods This option allows you to filter the objects to export by changedate.
Usually only changes are exported, but some shop systems tend to be unreliable when importing the received data.
For these target systems we recommend creating additional jobs with overlapping outputs, so all data is sent more than once.
Actions The available actions are supplied by the reader.
When exporting to shop systems you might have several options to export categories and products separately.
Additional options Your selected reader will supply the job with additional filters and options to control what you want to export.


Label Description
Synchronization Processes
This option can be used to significantly boost the performance of the connector.
When enabling background processing, the connector will utilize several CPU cores to format your data in parallel.
More processes will make your export faster, but slow down the rest of your ContentServ-system while it is running.
The amount of processes should be less than your available processing cores.
SC::Tasks Use this option to set up additional actions like sending an email or starting another job.
Tasks are covered in a separate tutorial.
Prevent exporting MAM files When enabling this option, all MAM file exports to the local file system will be skipped.
This can help when testing your configuration, since you won’t have dozens of copied files afterwards.


Use these options to gain more control of who can view and edit this job.

Starting Jobs

Starting a Job will kick off the export pipeline. The Job will load and format the data according to the datamap and hand it to the station to send it to its final location.

Manually in the SAWSConnector Suite

If you’re following the basic tutorial series, you should already know about the buttons in the station overview, component overview as well as the job editor.
You can use these at any time to start an export. Usually these are used after changes in your configurations. Daily exports can be achieved using activeScripts.

Using the development editor

You can also start a job in the development-editor. The development-editor is used to directly view the job result. It’s explained in depth in a separate tutorial.

In the PIM / MAM

When enabled in your job-config you can start jobs in the context of lists or your PIM / MAM tree:


As already mentioned above, only jobs with this setting set are visible in the context menu.

Using ActiveScripts

Most projects require full automation of exports.
For this reason, you can start jobs via CONTENTSERV ActiveScripts.

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