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Assigning a Magento website

Within the stations, the Magento websites can be selected. This determines if the PIM product will be delivered to the website in Magento:


Working with multi-website Magento instances (available with SAWSConnector versions 1.7.x and up)


If you work with a Magento installation that has set up several websites, it can be tricky to assign one product to Website A but not to Website B or to assign certain products to both websites.

We set up a simple, 3-step way to solve this problem:

1. Create a Simple Selection field in CS PIM

Make sure to enter the website codes as they are configured in Magento before your separator. After the separator, enter the name of the website as you wish it to be displayed in CONTENTSERV. Set the separator you used and do not check “mutliple selection”. For inheritance (further down, not visible in the screenshot above), please set inheritance from parent nodes.


Apply the new attribute to your root nodes. The following examples shows 2 different shops in an “EN” and a “DE” version. Apply the attribute to both of those nodes (via drag&drop).

In our example, all products for the EN shop should synchronize to the standard “Main Website”, all DE products should synchronize to the “Secondary website”. There are products within the EN shop that are also contained in the DE shop. So if only the EN shop is synchronized, the SAWSConnector Magento must make sure to not only send the setting for the EN shop of a product, but also for the DE shop.

On the node of the EN shop, we set the attribute accordingly:

Since we set the attribute to be inherited from all parent nodes, all children below our nodes will receive the setting we made on the root node.


2. Apply your mapping table

In your mapping table, add a line for the Magento target key “_product_websites” and set the formattiong option to “SCMagento:: Multistore Websites Finder”:

Click on the gear wheel to apply further settings: set the attribute that contains the Website setting, set a default option for websites to be sent if no information is found on a view and set the option for websites to be sent for the simple products that are contained within complex products (since those simple products are not part of the view):


3. Apply your station

In your station, please set the “###empty###” option for Magento website codes. Please note: apply this setting only if you work with the multi-store feature. If you work with one website only, set the website here instead.


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