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Creating views

There are 3 different ways to create views: manually adding views, creating views automatically using a script we provide with every SSAWSConnector or using the SC Channel Management option.


Creating views manually

The PIM view root node set in the station (for example the folder “Online Shop”) must correlate with the root node of the category in Magento; that means the categories name in magento must be “Online Shop” as well. If it does not exist yet in Magento, it must be created manually in the Magento backend. If your CS PIM View tree does not yet have a folder that is named exactly like the root category in your Magento backend, it must also be created:

SAWSConnector create pimview

In the dialogue that opens up, enter a name for your View node:

SAWSConnector pimview2

If there are less than 2000 products in your CS PIM product tree, you can simply drag and drop the structure to your newly created View folder. For more than 2000 products, we recommend a split drag and drop procedure for performance reasons. Please see further down for that case. For less than 2000 products, procede as follows:

Click once the CS PIM product tree that contains all categories you would like to synchronize. The content of that node will be displayed in the main window. Select all desired categories and drag & drop them unto the newly created View folder:

SAWSConnector create PIM view

The following dialogue will open up:

SAWSConnector create PIM view

Choose the following settings and click on “ok”:

SAWSConnector create PIM view


Wait for the View tree to be reloaded (it may take a while depending on how many products need to be copied from the product tree). The PIM product tree structure will be available in the view structure as well.

If there are more than 2000 products in your CS PIM product tree, we recommend the same procedure as above but for single folders. Simply drag one product folder down to the view tree:

SAWSConnector create PIM view

The following dialogue will pop up:

SAWSConnector create PIM view

Use the same settings as described above for the dialogue and enter a name for your category. Click on ok when you are done.


Creating views using our script

Notice: Here you can find information about createing view trees automatically


Using SC Channel Management

This option will not create actual views of your products but only use a link to a category structure in every product to add it to a desired Channel.


If you activated the SC channel management, please navigate to the PIM Settings –> Attributes –> SAWSConnector attributes –> Product attributes and look for the SC::Channel attribute:


Please select a pane and a section you wish the Channels to be displayed in:



Please also make sure that the now newly activated channel management must be activated in all relevant user roles:


You can also define attributes you wish to contain different values than what is set in the attribute on the product itself. In order to do so, please first deactivate the plugin cache in the CS settings:

Following that, set the attributes and map them as is decribed in the table below:


Value Description
Source Add the attribute here.
LanguageDependent Activate this box if you wish the values of this attribute to be language dependent.
Target The Connector will set up a new database column for each attribute that you add. The target defines the name of that column.
Group You can group attributes if you have several attributes which makes sorting them easier.

Adding the category structure

You can assign products to a category by using views. In order to do so, please establish a category tree in the CS Views of the PIM module. It could look something like this:

Please note: do not drag and drop products down to the view structure. For the SC channel management, all you need is a category structure (merely folders). No products must be added to the views!

Navigate back to the product and check it out. Navigate to the pane where you display your SC channels and click on new entry:


The following window will open up:

Value Description
Channel Select the channel the product is supposed to be synchronized with. If you need to add several channels, each channel must get its own table row. The channels that are available in this drop-down menu come from the SAWSConnector value lists (similar to the value lists for price and stockmanagement) . The value correlates with what you map in the language mapping of your mapping tables for channels!
Channel status You can selected the status of this particular assignment here. Available values
 Linked CS channels This is where you assign one or several categories from your view tree. Each view folder assigned here will later on contain the product when synchronizing product-category-relations to your target system.
 Valid from / Valid to Here you can set dates for the validity of this table row entry. If you want to add products to certain categoires for a limited time, add both dates for the desired time frame. If you wish to add a product to a category no sooner than a certain point in time, set the valid from date but leave the valid to date empty.
 first / last delivery date  Here you can set additional dates that influence the points in time or time periods when the product assignment will be contained in the synchronization. If no dates are set here but dates are set for valid from/to, the product-category assignment synchronization will contain the particular assignment right away.
Additional attributes In the screenshot above displayed as “marketing texts”. These are the attributes that you assigned in the general settings (please see above). They are displayed by the groups you set there as well.

Setting view-dependent values

In the additional attributes (above displayed as “marketing texts) you can set values for the synchronization of views that differ from what the actual product containes for these attributes. If you selected “language dependent” in the general settings for the view-dependent attributes, every language version of the attribute can be edited here.

An entry using the examples avobe could look something like this:

The example shown above would deliver a  category assignment for 2 categories for the channel “Website de_de”. It would be first contained in the synchronization to the target system on July 21st. However, the ctageory assignment would not be come “active” in the target system before July 26th. The value for the “DESCR” attribute contained in the product would be ignored and the text shown above would instead be sent to the target system.

Please note: If you need to adjust only a certain language version of a product, set the default value as well. This is the value that will be used if not all of the language versions of the view-dependent attribute contain values. For example:

Here, only the English version contains a different value. Since we entered a default value however, both German as well as Japanese will use the value entered in “default”!



Using filters

If you do not need all available channels to display the view-dependent attributes you added in the general settings or all available channels, you can set filters for your Channel table. In order to do so, please navigate to the attribute that was added when you activated the channel management (as shown below):

Filtering attributes

You can narrow down the attributes you wish to be displayed and made available in the Channel tables:


Filtering channels

In order to filter out channels, also navigate to the attribute as shown below and enter a value you wish to filter out. For example, if you wish to filter out all channels that contain the abbreviation “fr”, set “fr%” in the correlating filter field:

Using SC::Channel management in the synchronization

In order to tell the SAWSConnector to use the SC::Channel management settings, you need to adjust your mapping table to it.

In a mapping table in the tab “settings” select the following data set:

For the record type, select if your products are also contained in the views (=Pdmarticlestructure) or if they are merely located in the product tree (=Pdmarticle).

Adding channel management to your mapping tables

There are several ways to map SC::Channels to your mapping tables. Please see this site on the configuration of a channel reference or this article in order to use the dedicated SC::Channel plugin.

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