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Source data set configuration

In order to add a new source data set, click on “Add new source data set” on the upper left handside of the screen:



You will be taken to a mask asking you to enter the name of your new source data set. Enter a name and click on the “Save” button:


The dialogue will reload and extent by further settings and the additional tab “Mapping tables”:


The source data set looks as follows:

SourceDataExcel1 SourceDataExcel2


The following table explains the settings further:


this is the name of your source data set


prefedined value


this is the application you chose when adding your station. This value cannot be altered

HTTPS required

indicates if HTTPS protocol will be used (default setting = HTTP)



use “json” for the SimpleExcel connector

Default language

the default language of your source data set

defines what language your source data set will be displayed in

Select source of data

PIM Product, PIM View or MAM files

defines if exported data stem from the product directly, from PIM views or from MAM files

Filter objects by class

defines which classes will be considered for export

select every class you wish to export. No hand-down of parent nodes! If you wish to consider all sub-nodes of a class, they must all be selected separately here.

Procedure for multilanguage values

“new row for every language” or “new column for every language; extend attribute name in column by language key”

defines how values for several languages should be handled. The first option will wirte a new line for every language option of your product/view/MAM file. The second option will write a new column for every language option of your product/view/MAM file and extend the column’s key by the key of the language entered in the language mapping of the source data set (see below).


Language separator

Set a separation sign for the extension of the language key (see above). For example, set the underscore “_”.


Remove attributes that are not configured?(see mapping table, active = yes


if activated, only attributes that are configured in the mapping table (see section attribute mapping) will be exported. If a plugin is set in the mapping table, it will technically be considered as “not configured”. If you use project-specific plugins, please do not activate this checkbox.


Export only columns that are found in your template


if activated, only attributes that are defined in the header row of your template will be used for export. Keys will not be extended by language for example. Keys that you added to your attribute mapping but are not contained in your template file, will not be exported.


Set your output file format

.xlsx, .xls, .csv

Select the file format of your export files.


PHP Memory Limit in MB

512 (by default), increase if desired.

Set higher values if you wish to export a lot of data or if your template file contains large images.


Path to XLS template file

You can set a path to the template file here. If you indicated a CS MAM path below, this option here will be overwritten. Both options will overwrite the setting you may have made in your station.

CS MAM path to XLS template file

Upload your template file to the CS MAM module and select it here using the file dialogue.

Configuration of the output file

Save your settings after you set the paths to your template file. The SAWSConnector will read the template; the following settings depend on your template file!

Target tab: set the target sheet in your template file for your first data map.

Use data map #: select the data map you wish to export to the selected sheet

Row number of header row: indicate which line in your template sheet contains your keys

Number of first data row: indicate which line is the first line that you wish data to be written to

Sort by column: indicate if you wish to sort your output file by a certain column.

Deactivated: set to active if you do not wish to use the particular line for export anymore.

Configuration of the data source

In this step, set the workflow statuses products or views need to have in order to be exported. Every status you select to the right hand side will be exported; the workflow statuses that remain on the left hand side will not be exported. Both settings for attribute sets are important for other SAWSConnecors but not for SimpleExcel; you can ignore those. Your source data set could look something like this once you are done with the configuration:


Language mapping

The “language mappping” is not as important for the SimpleExcel Connector as for other Connectors – however, you still need to configure it. Please set at least one language as displayed in the example below:


The key you set here will be used to extend columns with if you selected to have different language options exported to a new column.

Attribute mapping

The attribute mapping is neccessary so the SimpleExcel connector knows to which column in your Excel the CS PIM attributes should be exported to. Your mapping table could look something like this:


In the column “attribute”, select the CS PIM attribute that is to be exported. In the column “Export column”, enter the attribute key as you set it in your template file. An example template file could look like this (see the red mark for the attribute keys):



Please note: If no value is entered in the column “export column” of the attribute mapping, the SimpleExcelconnector will add the data in a new column in your output file and use the standard CS PIM label of the attribute as the column head (see green mark for an unmapped attribute, the red mark indicated correctly mapped attributes), unless you activated the checkbox “Remove attributes that are not configured?” in the source data set!







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