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Testing exports and the development editor

After configuring the first export pipeline consisting of:

  • Station
  • Datamap
  • Job

we’re ready to test our “SAWS-Trinity”.

For testing we always recommend the developmennt-editor. You can open it in your job-editor.

While the development-editor quickly grants access to all needed configurations and information, it can only run jobs in a single process.
This results in significantly higher export times, which means this mode of running jobs is not suited for production use but, as the name suggests, is intendet for creating and testing configurations.
Opening the dev-editor will start the job.

GUI Elements

Data Display

This pane displays the raw data that was created by this export.
You can use it to see how your changes influenced the exported data.

Log Display

Here you can see the log entries which were created by the job.

Success Log

This symbol marks a log as a success. The log entry contains additional information about the action performed.

Notice Log

This symbol marks the log entry as a notice which contains information about the export, but doesn’t neccesarily mean the export failed.

Error Log

This symbol marks log entries as an error. Errors may mean that the export did not complete or may simply warn you about possible configuration errors.
The amount of errors does not indicate the severity of the issue. Some errors may be pretty harmless, but are triggered for each exported value.
Please view error messages in detail before panicking or dismissing them.

Details Display

Click a log entry in the log display to display additional details here.
This is especially important for error logs, which will contain additional info about what triggered the job and sometimes even provide a solution.

Quick Access Buttons

Restart Job

Datamap Editor

Job Editor

Station Editor

Download Validation File

This button will download a File which can either be used to view the export result locally or to setup an automatic validation when starting via an activescript.
Automatic Validation can be used to test the functionality after updates and ensure the connector is still working as intended.


Use this button to open the SC::Debugger.
The Debugger allows you to view each formatting step to find errors in your configurations.
You will need Cloud access to use the Debugger.
The SC::Debugger will be covered in a seperate tutorial.

Edit Transformation Lists

Example Export

This is a datamap configuration from the JSON Connector:

An Export using this configuration will net the following result:

As you can see, the sku is still language dependant. As it is used to identify a product, it should be language independent.
To achieve this, we’ll open the datamap via the button at the top, enter the plugin configuration and change the language dependency.

After saving we just have to restart the export via the corresponding button at the top.
The finished export should now show the sku language independently.

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